Tax Alert is a monthly publication that keeps you up to date with the latest developments in tax. The alert is compiled by our national tax specialists who are continually monitoring the outlook for new tax developments and analysing the implications for our clients.
The new tax bill has something for everyone
Substantial ‘Platform Economy’ changes proposed
Bringing workers to New Zealand? Taxing rules to be modernised
Significant GST apportionment changes on the horizon
The future of GST - taxable supply information
R&M on the residential property rules
Expanding your business offshore? Here’s what you need to know about transfer pricing
GST - Getting your system ready for 1 April 2023
What tax reform to expect through to Election 2023
Allowances for additional transport costs
FBT: Common errors and how to prevent them
Plan some overseas travel – but plan for tax as well
Overseas Investments - Offshore is not off-limits
Dividend Integrity proposals - another wolf in sheep’s clothing?
Are small business owners paying their fair share of tax?
Trust disclosure rules a step closer to reality
New Tax Act – Summary of Changes
Residential Land – where are we now
New FBT option to save some compliance costs
Consultation on GST apportionment rules and the gig economy
A glance over the Tasman Sea for future GST compliance activity in NZ
COVID-19 Support Payments Explained
A New Zealand Income Insurance Scheme – What does this mean?
Fringe Benefit Tax season is coming – helpful tips and tricks to surviving Quarter Four FBT returns
Draft COVID-19 guidance provides a refresher on tax deduction rules
Isolating staff drive entitlements for Leave Support Scheme and Short-Term Absence Payment
Are you remote working in New Zealand for a foreign employer? Inland Revenue’s finalised view
Navigating the world of non-cash dividends
New guidance from Inland Revenue on foreign exchange rates
Charities and Donee organisations
When is interest not interest but is income?
New Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership takes effect
Hybrids rules and BEPS disclosures for 2021 tax returns: understanding your obligations
COVID-19 Some business support gets a red light
Clough v Commissioner of Taxation: A Lesson in Poor Execution?
Physical or virtual Christmas celebrations: what employers need to remember
Extreme tax powers could be used for almost anything
Will Technical Decision Summaries help with Inland Revenue decision making transparency?