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Tax issues for new Government

Tax Alert - December 2023

By Robyn Walker

The new Coalition Government has been formed and there are a number of tax matters included in both the coalition agreements and within the National Party election manifesto. These tax matters will be considered over the next three years, with varying degrees of priority. The 100 day action plan includes the prioritisation of fuel tax changes, but doesn’t include any of the other tax changes, including personal tax cuts.

What can we expect?

Is that all?

Invariably there is always a lot of work to be done to “keep the car on the road”, so to speak, and we’ll continue to see other tax developments, as well as refinements and consultation on the items agreed to by the coalition. Below is a summary of some of the areas where the new Coalition Government will need to make decisions about previous reforms, as well as some issues to consider on coalition commitments.

For more information on any of these items, please contact your usual Deloitte advisor.

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