The new GST platform rules are scheduled to take effect from 1 April 2024 and will mean GST will be payable by platforms on ride-sharing, food delivery and short-term accommodation services (referred to as “listed services” in the legislation).
The new rules extend and expand existing GST marketplace rules to cover listed services will result in a lot more businesses effectively coming within the GST system. Currently, given the GST registration threshold is $60,000 many such businesses are not registered for GST; many of which can probably be described as a “side hustle” rather than a full-time occupation.
Suppliers through these marketplaces will not need to register for GST, instead, the platforms they operate through will need to charge, collect and remit GST in relation to these services. In recognition that GST should in effect only apply to the “value added” by the seller, there will be a notional “input tax credit” allowed for 8.5% of the value of the supply, meaning in effect that GST applies to 6.5% of the value of the services provided. The marketplace will be required to pass the credit onto the underlying supplier. If a supplier is already registered for GST they will not get the additional credit but instead will continue to claim GST input tax credits in relation to the costs of making taxable supplies.
The manner in which the GST obligations have been placed on the marketplace means that many ride-sharing or accommodation suppliers won’t need to give GST any additional consideration if they remain below the GST registration threshold.
In this article, we focus on accommodation, but some of the matters discussed could also be relevant for businesses making supplies through ride-sharing and food delivery apps.
It is not just platforms that need to start this work now, hotels, managers of short-term accommodation and owners of holiday homes also need to get underway in planning for these rules.
If a property was acquired prior to 1 April 2023 and acquired predominately for private use, there is a two-year window until 1 April 2025 to remove the property from the GST net. This will likely be attractive for those whose main purpose was personal use and who have only been renting their properties out for a few months each year. However, there is a financial cost as any GST inputs claimed in relation to the property need to be repaid together with the nominal amount of GST that would have been charged if the sale to you was zero-rated.
You may have heard this referred to as “the app tax” by the National Party. The National Party have vowed to repeal this tax if they form a Government after the October election. However, given the uncertainty of what will happen in the political landscape and the complexity of the needed IT system builds for impacted platforms and suppliers, it’s important for impacted taxpayers to start planning on the assumption that the rules will remain in place come 1 April 2024.
These changes will not just impact accommodation providers that are currently unregistered and need to decide whether to register or use the new flat-rate credit system. The implications should also be considered for larger providers who may be able to use the 2,000 nights/$500,000 sales per 12 months opt-out rule and by those who have more complex ownership and agency structures.
If you require further information on how these rules will apply to your specific situation, please contact your usual Deloitte adviser.
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