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Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) Index

New real-time MaaS market insights for providers, regulators, and customers

The Deloitte MaaS Index was developed to reflect activities in the Mobility-as-a-Service market across six key topic areas, called indicators. Based on millions of Al-analyzed news, blogs and journals, these indicators show the traction on globally relevant MaaS topics as a proxy for the global view on the current market. A list with the explanation of six indicators is located at the bottom of this page.

There are many different reasons why numerous established automotive players, Big Tech companies and new entrants are investing heavily in Mobility-as-a-Service offerings – for example, changing consumer preferences, sustainability efforts or the monetization of new technologies, to name but a few. However, the trend of investing in Mobility-as-a-Service offerings is not new. Rather, progress seems to be stalled at times. As public and private actors need to connect, coordinate, and collaborate, building an economically viable MaaS ecosystem can be very challenging. As a result, we developed our AI-supported Mobility-as-a-Service Index, which continuously monitors the activity of the global mobility market to better understand current developments and deliver insights on what steps to take in order to secure future success.

Together with the University of Duisburg-Essen, we combined our algorithmic-based approach to scan the web for data with our expertise gained through working with numerous clients in the industry. The gathered information allows us to track market movements and monitor the evolution of MaaS towards a more diversified and well-developed sector. We can then provide insights about the different players, regions, and other aspects of the MaaS field. 

If more companies become active in the MaaS market and continue to further develop their products and services, we should expect a development into a field with many, well-developed companies until enough traction leads to the market breakthrough (upper right quadrant). On the contrary, if our analysis shows only a few new entrants and little movement across all indicators, the MaaS market will stagnate in a field with only few, undeveloped companies (lower left quadrant). Our continuous monitoring can help players ensure they are well positioned in each scenario. 

What insights are offered to companies?


In the last few months, we have identified a bump in alternative MaaS transit startups. Nevertheless, big players still dominate the activity in the MaaS sector. Since 2019, more than half of all activity is concentrated in two companies that have pioneered MaaS offerings. 

Other players are stronger in their regions. As each region and market has its own necessities and differences, companies can more easily establish themselves regionally before even thinking of going global. Most company mentions come from a concentrated number of markets. 73% of all company mentions refer to the US, Great Britain, and India, which are some of the largest MaaS markets.

A pandemic-related decrease in activity can be clearly seen in all regions in 2020 compared to 2019, as well as a strong increase in 2021 and 2022. The difficult economic situation around the world led companies to focus on other topics during the pandemic instead of increasing investments and introducing new business models (MaaS). Now, the MaaS market is gaining traction in all regions. Nevertheless, the economic environment remains fragile, and it is possible that Europe will experience a recession.

Mobility-as-a-Service outlook 


The transformation of automotive players from traditional service providers and product manufacturers to MaaS-providers is far from being complete. The pandemic, the geopolitical situation and the general economic environment are making this transformation longer and more difficult. Different ecosystem dynamics still need to be further developed and implemented.

Our experts will be pleased to provide you with more detailed information on this topic. In addition, our Deloitte network has extensive expertise in other important automotive topics. Our global Automotive Practice combines the strengths of several Deloitte businesses to help companies in the automotive ecosystem, solve complex challenges, and capitalize on transformative opportunities.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.

The six indicators our analysis is based on:


Customer information


  • Customer behavior (usage frequency, usage intensity, preferred services)
  • Customer profiles (social-demographic background of users and age segment)
  • Sentiment towards as well as satisfaction with MaaS services & MaaS demand
  • Climate awareness of customers

Focal value proposition


  • Basic benefit of MaaS (planning & booking)
  • Additional benefits (integration with non-MaaS services, real-time info, corporate MaaS)
  • Portfolio diversity (company)
  • Breadth of service offerings (market)
  • Interoperability between types of services & types of usage (business vs. personal)

Proliferation of technical platforms


  • Asset investments by MaaS service and platform providers (vehicle purchases by MaaS players)
  • Asset leasing by MaaS platform providers
  • Asset collaboration between service and platform providers
  • Complete detachment of platform services & asset provision (standalone asset providers)
  • Self-developed software assets (MAKE versus BUY)

Adoption of operating models 


  • Overall revenue growth of MaaS services
  • Location expansion and geographic coverage
  • Customer app interaction (UX, flexibility, ease of access, digital ticket)
  • Partnerships, JV, and M&A (territorial authorities)

 Importance of governance


  • Impact of governments (regulation, mandates, subsidies in the field of MaaS)
  • Data mandates (governments requiring companies to share data, mandate specific architecture or data formats for data sharing, development of open standards by public sector)
  • Data sharing with governments: data sharing activities from corporates with governments

Value capture


  • Establishment of distinct value streams (direct value from MaaS services such as vehicle sharing, ride hailing or collection & sales of user data)
  • Revenue growth

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