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Funding for sustainability!
Dienstag, 13 August 2024 12:24 PM CET

Zurückliegendes Event

Virtuell - Event

Sprache des Events: Englisch, Deutsch

Jan. - Feb. 2023

(mehrere Termine)

Funding for sustainability!

Information on funding of investment and innovation projects related to sustainability

About the webcast


German federal states, the federal government and the EU are supporting industrial investment and innovation projects for climate protection and sustainability by extensive funding programs. Considering the ongoing climate protection efforts, but also the announced US funding measures for climate protection, the German and European funding landscape is undergoing major changes. 

In our webcast, we present the latest developments as well as attractive and current funding opportunities for your planned investment or innovation projects. We will inform you for which activities national and European grants can be obtained and which requirements and regulations must be observed. We also provide you with an outlook on funding instruments planned for the future. 

31 January 2023 (German)

2 February 2023 (English)