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Future of Digital Trust

What driving forces and trends are shaping digital trust until 2035 and what are their implications on our digital future?

Also read our article "The trust enabler"

Building cyber-security strategies for a trusted, digital future

Digital transformation is characterized by high degrees of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA). In this environment, digital trust is key – it affects the economy, politics and society to increasing degrees. It is thus paramount for private and public stakeholders to engage with and act upon the factors impacting and shaping the future of digital trust. Using our Future Foresight approach, we identify driving forces and trends for digital trust, draw out key implications and pinpoint strategic impulses on how cybersecurity can become an enabler for a trusted digital future.

In today’s world, the only reliable constant is continuous change. Digital transformation is at the forefront of our mind, now more than ever. This raises a large number of crucial questions that need to be answered to build and maintain digital trust in the years ahead. What are the driving factors for the future of digital trust, and what overarching trends will shape our tomorrow? How can a sustainable and trustworthy digital transformation be achieved that benefits all stakeholders, including the society, economy and politics? What specific role can cybersecurity play as an enabler for this transformation? And finally, are decision-makers and stakeholders aware of the necessary steps to achieve a sustainable and trustworthy digital transformation, and are they prepared and willing to take these steps?

To answer these questions and help stakeholders build successful strategies and policies to ensure digital trust, our Future Foresight analysis cuts through this complexity in our study on the Future of Digital Trust. Deloitte Future Foresight methodologies combine cutting-edge A.I. based technology with traditional research methods, expert knowledge and experience. Building on this, we pinpointed a shortlist of social, technological, economic, political, legal and environmental driving forces and holistic key trends across these categories that hold the potential to shape the future of digital trust, highlighted key implications these have for stakeholders and drew out core cybersecurity impulses.

This study is a starting point for conversation and a solid foundation for better strategy and policy making for digital trust. Future Foresight enables us to navigate the complexities and uncertainties traditional business methodologies are increasingly unable to capture.

Cybersecurity is key to reaching a trusted digitally transformed future. If employed sustainably and strategically, it enables us to reap the benefits of digital transformation in the private and public sector as well as in society at large. Achieving this therefore requires us to proactively leverage the large potential of cybersecurity for digital trust. The myriad of driving forces and their interconnection in overarching trends around digital trust draw a complex landscape of developments full of both challenges and opportunities.We are ready to make an impact that matters on digital trust – join us and continue the conversation! 

In times of ever-accelerating digital transformation, trust remains the foundation and the only compass we have on our path to the future. We need to get this right and build digital trust in everything we do.

Marius von Spreti, Cyber Lead Deloitte Germany

Navigation guide


Just as much as there are many entryways into the future of digital trust, this study has been specifically designed to provide various entryways for you. Depending on your interests, you can choose whichever one you find the most interesting and insightful for yourself. Whether this is by looking at the future foresight mindset to gain a sense of the methodology first, by looking at the many driving forces as variables impacting the development of digital trust, by diving head first into the overarching trends formed by these drivers or by focusing on their implications and our cybersecurity impulses. This means you can read the study from front to back cover or jump in between sections in any order. 

Deep Dive: Digitalization of public services


Digital transformation has become a reality in every area of our lives. Not only in our private lives, but also in our interactions with public sector administrations, people are demanding effective and efficient digital solutions. In order to build a modern and citizen-centric administration, the first key step is to build digital trust. In this context, a particular use case is the application of artificial intelligence (AI). AI can aggregate information, generate knowledge, optimize workflows and thus support administrations in their decision-making process. You can download the document here.

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