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The Ukraine-Russia War and its geopolitical fallout: Courses of action for multinational companies explained
Samstag, 13 Mai 2023 3:00 PM MEZ

Zurückliegendes Event


13 Mai. 2023

Samstag, 03:00 nachm. MEZ | 1 Std..

The Ukraine-Russia War and its geopolitical fallout: Courses of action for multinational companies explained

Webinar in cooperation with RANE | 23 May 2023, 03:00 p.m.–04:00 p.m.    

About the Webinar


The Ukraine-Russia war has significantly exacerbated existing concerns about the business implications of geopolitical risk in today's increasingly complex and uncertain world. Decision-makers, investors, businesses, and other organizations alike have proven themselves predominantly ill-prepared to anticipate these types of geopolitical events and the resulting global ramifications for investment safety & strategy, site shifting, supply chain risk, and regulatory change.

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