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Human Resources in 2030 – A glimpse into the future

The global economy is continually being shaken by disruptive forces that will affect both social and professional life. Not only will the day-to-day work of employees and the tools they use change, but also entire organizational processes, such as the way companies find, reward, and retain talent. The days of Human Resources (HR) as we know it at present may be numbered.

What are plausible scenarios for the future of HR?


HR 4.0

In this world, most HR solutions are highly automated and employers are investing in recruiting and retaining the best talent. This leads to customized offerings and a thriving relationship between employers and employees.

Welcome to 1984

In this world, the relationship between employers and employees has been reduced to a mere exchange of work for money. Combined with a high level of automation in the HR department, this leads to standardized, low cost HR solutions.

Old School in a New Sharing World

In this world, employers are interchangeable. At the same time, stagnating economic development and difficulties in automating HR solutions have made employers reluctant to invest in their workforce.

Only Humanity Matters

In this world, companies are personal career partners for their employees. The return to old values and more stringent data regulations paired with a positive economic outlook results in personalized HR processes where human interaction is still the key.

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