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Increasing online shop conversion rates with the help of neuroscience

We helped our client from the Life Science & Healthcare industry to improve its B2B online shop for medical supplies and drive conversion rates. In detail, we used neuroscientific methods to increase the emotional appeal of the website by a third, reduce the required time to task completion by half, and reduce the stress level of website visitors by half.


How did we do it?

For this study participants that resembled the client’s various customer segments (e.g. medical staff) were recruited. All participants were equipped with EEG, eye tracking and GSR devices for the experimental setup. They were instructed to perform several pre-defined tasks while browsing on the client’s website. This way, data was obtained on • how well the website provides information to the participants,• how stressful it is for the participants to browse the page and fulfill the tasks, and• how long it takes for participants to complete given, basic tasks. Consequently, the neuroscientific data was analyzed by a team of psychologists, strategists and designers to improve the website in an iterative testing and design process. 


Which value can we create for you and your business?

Neuroscience enables the quantification of emotional appeals that happen unconsciously and significantly influence the decision-making of website visitors. When compared to traditional A/B testing, neuroscience provides a deeper understanding on why and why not certain user groups complete certain actions on a website. This helps not only e-commerce players but any website owners to identify and remove obstacles within the user journey and trigger desirable emotional reactions of visitors. This is a great way to push conversion rates and click-through rates. Moreover, it helps to increase the number of returning visitors and improve the overall user experience (UX). 


Did you know that our brain communicates with the help of electric signals?

The universal language of our brain is electricity. It is made of various types of neurons, which build a strongly connected network. By sending small electric signals neurons communicate with each other. Varying frequencies of the electric signals are the basis for encoding different processes.With an EEG we do not just measure the frequencies but also their changes and in which brain region they are active. This allows us to draw conclusions about motivational states, arousal, and confusion, amongst others.

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