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E-Commerce Insights

Increase online revenues and conversion rates based on unique insights regarding customer perception of your online presence

Understanding how visitors navigate on your website and what keeps them from converting is pivotal for e-commerce businesses. However, finding out what works best and what does not is often a matter of continuous experimentation. We have developed a service to circumvent the experimentation loops and accelerate your conversion optimization process by generating neuroscientific insights on your website visitors’ implicit decision-making.

What’s in it for you


With the help of the Deloitte Neuroscience Institute you will be able to

  • Optimize information density and distribution on your website and speed up the information finding process
  • Identify typical navigation habits of your website visitors and use them for your favor
  • Increase online revenue, conversion rate and customer experience


How we do it


We use neuroscientific methods to measure the general attractiveness of your website design and layout. Moreover, we analyze your website visitors gaze path and focus points to derive your visitors’ implicit navigation patterns. In addition, we measure the user-sided perception of your offerings and price points. Eventually, we discuss the results with Deloitte industry experts to minimize interpretation errors and derive individual action recommendations for your e-business.


Explore more neuroscience use cases of the Deloitte Neuroscience Institute.