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Chemicals Insights Newsletter

Identifying growth areas in the chemical industry

With our biannual newsletter, we provide insights into current trends, a multiple overview of past M&A transactions, ESG initiatives and economic developments affecting the chemical industry.


Our biannual Chemicals Insights newsletter is designed specifically for chemical industry executives and decision makers. Whether you are a CEO, a strategist, or a chemist, in our summer and winter editions we explore emerging topics, technological advancements and market conditions that are shaping the global chemical industry today and in the future.

The chemical industry is characterized by innovation, changing consumer preferences, strict environmental regulations, and an increasing shift towards sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. It is crucial for companies not only to react to these market changes, but ideally to help shape them.

Our bi-annual newsletter aims to provide just that: a comprehensive, concise, and credi-ble update on everything you need to know about the chemical industry and M&A. In doing so, we cover four core elements: 

We share key insights into current market trends and innovations in the chemical indus-try to support industry leaders navigate their businesses through a rapidly evolving landscape. The in-depth analyses focus on emerging technologies and trends that enable chemical companies to conduct research and production more efficiently and sustainably. Additionally, current research findings and methodologies are reviewed regularly to provide an outlook on possible future value-drivers in chemical science and the industry.

One of the core features of our newsletters is our analysis of M&A transaction multiples. We provide you with a comprehensive overview of trading multiples, including enterprise value (EV)/EBITDA multiples and price-to-earnings (P/E) ratios of publicly traded chemical companies across various sub-sectors and geographies. The multiples are based on the latest reported financial data and stock prices.

The chemical sector is uniquely positioned to play a key role in driving sustainability across all industries committed to reducing emissions. To enable chemical companies to increasingly incorporate ESG initiatives into their organization and operations, we share successful case studies, the latest research results and explore strategies to integrate sustainability in the context of M&A.

Beyond industry-specific events, our newsletter keeps you updated on broader economic trends affecting the chemical industry. You will gain access to a detailed picture of the global economic climate, underpinned by relevant data and forecasts, contextualized for the chemical industry.With our Chemicals Insights, we are committed to delivering value-driven insights that equip you with reliable knowledge and a competitive edge. We invite you to join the conversation, stay informed, and help shape the future of the chemical industry. For more information, sign up today for our newsletter using the link below, or reach out to us directly.


Download our previous releases below and register for the next Chemicals Insights newsletter here.

In the winter 2024/2025 issue of our Chemicals Insights, we take a closer look at the challenges of plastic recycling and how chemical depolymerization offers an ideal complement to mechanical recycling. We also explore the most recent M&A deals in the chemical industry, the increasing relevance of ESG due diligence as part of the deal process and the economic sentiment statistics from our latest CFO survey.

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In our summer 2024 Chemicals Insights, we explore the transformative potential of AI in the chemical industry's R&D processes, the growing significance of ESG provisions in sales and purchase agreements, and the evolving market dynamics reflected in economic forecasts. Our  latest edition aims to unpack these complexities as the industry  embraces change.

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In the winter 2023/2024 issue of our Chemicals Insights we shed light on the status quo and the future of chemical parks, an area gaining momentum within the chemical industry. We continue our examination of the industry’s present and future by reviewing recent market transactions, and also continue our survey on ESG maturity and the economic outlook since our last update.

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In this summer’s 2023 Chemicals Insights, we have explored the emerging technology of chemical recycling and other possible pathways for chemical companies to reduce their carbon footprint and become more sustainable. Additionally, we have assessed the most recent company valuations and notable transactions in the market. Looking at the current and future economic developments of the Eurozone aims to provide further insights on potential market developments.

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