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Animal Supplies Group

Insolvency case information


Appointment type: Voluntary Administration / Liquidation
Appointment date: 14 April 2016
ACN: Animal Supplies (Wholesale) Pty Ltd

ACN 058 258 870

AS Consolidated Pty Limited

 ACN 167 361 604

Australian Supply and Distribution Solutions Pty Ltd

ACN 167 361 775
Pet Brands Connect Pty Ltd

ACN 094 221 913

(All Administrators Appointed)(“the Companies”)

Appointees: Jason Tracy and Sam Marsden

Office: Sydney
Enquiries: General enquiries

Jason Tracy

Tel: +61 2 9322 3858


Media enquiries

Kari Keenan

Tel: +61 2 9322 7000


Sam Marsden

Tel: +61 2 9322 7502


Animal Supplies Group is an Australian distributor of pet food, accessories and supplements into the pet specialist channel. They also distribute equine products. Their clients are pet, equine and veterinary retail outlets.

Each entity in the Animal Supplies Group was placed into liquidation on 20 May 2016.


Insolvency information sheets

Help for workers who have recently lost their jobs

Job Services Australia publication

Taking care of yourself after retrenchment or financial loss

Beyond Blue publication