Námskeið: Samrunar- og skiptingar (2016, 2019), Deloitte.
Breytingar á skattlagningu höfundarréttartekna (2019), STEF.
Námskeið: Arðgreiðslur frá A-Ö (2020). Félag löggiltra endurskoðenda.
Gestakennari í B.A. námi í lögfræði, Háskólinn í Reykjavík, 2021.
Fundarstjórn á ýmsum hluthafafundum og opinberum samkomum, s.s. UT-Messan, FKA, o.fl., og margvísleg erindi á Skattadegi Deloitte.
Deloitte Legal, 2021-
Deloitte, 2007-2021
Landsbanki Íslands hf., loan department, 2003-2007
Education & Certifications
District Court Attorney at Law, 2012
Certified Real Estate Agent, 2015
M.L., Reykjavík University, faculty of law 2008
B.A., Reykjavík University, faculty of law 2006
Publications & Lectures
Lecture: Liquidation of Companies (2010), Deloitte.
Tax Obligations and Tax Compliance of Bankrupt Estates (2015) FLE blaðið, 37. ann., 1. ed., p. 23-24.
Lecture: Taxation of Bankrupt Estates (2019), Institute of State Authorized Public Accountants in Iceland.
Lecture: Mergers and de-mergers (2016, 2019), Deloitte.
Changes in Taxation of Royalties (2019), STEF.
Lecture: Dividend payments from A-Z (2020). Institute of State Authorized Public Accountants in Iceland.
Guest lecturer in the B.A. programme of Reykjavik University Law School, 2021.
High experience as a chairman at general and annual shareholders’ meetings and various other public gatherings, i.e. the UT Conference, FKA and others, and held various lectures at the annual Deloitte Tax Conference.