Complete our survey and contribute to a unique local salary benchmark
Deloitte publishes a number of remuneration surveys and related reports on an ongoing basis, providing information regarding benchmarks and trends in remuneration in the South African market.
All surveys are published on our RemWeb Survey Portal – an online benchmarking tool providing a range of analyses and reporting options to dynamically transform data.
In addition to our standard salary surveys, Deloitte also conducts bespoke remuneration surveys for our clients. This offers a confidential means to obtain specific insights and benchmarks for a select market.
All Deloitte’s benchmarking remunerations surveys are powered by RemWeb. This on-line benchmarking tool provides a range of analyses and report options that transforms static data into dynamic information that can be used for critical decision-making.
Web-based portal, with multi-facetted authentication : Access to survey publications subscribed to for multiple users
Easy navigation and ability to apply various filters and selections : Each user linking only to surveys they are authorised to access
Each user linking only to surveys they are authorised to access : Terminology definitions included in narrative report
Terminology definitions included in narrative report : Portal access valid for a year - includes previously subscribed publications
Portal access valid for a year - includes previously subscribed publications : Training provided on the use of the portal
Published benchmarks are available via a number of reports in the RemWeb Survey Portal.These reports apply easy filters to drill down to specific information required; and are downloadable into various applications.
Survey Report: Download the Infographic