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Culture Transformation

Excel in the turbulent future of work by elevating your company’s culture

How is your company addressing the new realities brought by the Future of Work? Be it ever-increasing digitalization, remote & hybrid work, rising ESG requirements, or shift in employee engagement, motivation, and loyalty levels, there is no doubt that the last two years significantly changed the world of work. 

Companies had to adapt to new means of work concerning changing workforce requirements and workplace arrangements while welcoming new types of work as such. While addressing all these drastic changes in all facets of work, organizations have also been dealing with the Great Apathy & Resignation phenomena reflected in their difficulties to engage and subsequently retain the already scarce talents.

All these disruptors shed a light on the importance of human and employee interaction in the workplace. To gain a sustainable competitive advantage, organizations have to build and retain a strong base of committed and engaged workers – and the key to that is investing in building a resilient and agile company culture.

Company culture is reflected in the values, norms, behaviours, decisions, and employee mindset which are lived even beyond the borders of the physical organization. It is shaped over time, by employees’ daily formal and informal interactions. While taking some time to set, it is then even more resistant to change. If you have ever come across any organizational transformations, you surely know how demanding they can be. Company culture, however, is the underlying layer guiding the company’s responses to such changes. Therefore, considering the new dynamics and continuous disruptions characterizing the Future of Work, it is crucial to get it right.

Despite its incredible importance for employee wellbeing, mutual trust, flexibility, resilience, continuous innovation and growth, and thereby overall organizational success, organizational culture is yet highly undervalued and mismanaged in many companies across various industries. Organizations tend to focus their resources on transformative technologies and processes while many times forgetting that without supportive organizational culture, the change will simply not succeed.

At Deloitte, we support our clients in their cultural transformation by firstly identifying and understanding the Status Quo and subsequently defining their target future culture. Our analysis involves a holistic approach analyzing company’s values, purpose, overreaching vision, as well as current company leadership, employee relations, processes and tools. We combine years of practical experience from multiple fields with scientifically verified frameworks such as CulturePathTM, Deloitte culture solution enabling organizations to gain deep insights into their culture based on real-time data and subsequently shape their culture so that employees deliver on the business strategy.

However, to make culture transformation happen, we focus on fostering employee engagement through the entire journey regardless of organizational level or unit. At Deloitte, we believe that all transformations ultimately start with changing human behaviour. Using the BehaviourFirst framework we identify and understand both, psychological and organizational drivers of the present as well as targeted behaviours, allowing us to design effective measures unlocking the desired culture.

Deloitte was an important part of our Corporate Culture activation through supporting the conceptualization of our beliefs and preparation of our Culture Champions. With their human centric and clearly structured approach, we were able to inspire people to adopt the new Culture naturally and, in addition, grow personally and professionally by doing so.

Paula Cosme, Global Culture & Talent, RHI Magnesita

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