
Implement dynamic scheduling for manufacturing agility

Gain a valuable competitive edge with MES

Manufacturing sectors are transforming scheduling to realize higher levels of production and efficiency. Learn how a modern manufacturing execution system (MES) can help you make the shift toward dynamic scheduling to gain the competitive advantage.

Manufacturing agility through dynamic scheduling with Deloitte's MES

A manufacturing plant is a complex, ever-changing environment. Production orders are submitted and amended. Materials arrive from numerous vendors. Machines with varying autonomy function alongside human counterparts. And the technology ecosystem interacts with programs throughout the enterprise.

For manufacturers, efficiency and productivity are seized by adapting planning and scheduling to this evolving plant environment. Yet, for many manufacturers today, scheduling is still accomplished with a patchwork of antiquated custom programs and frequently manual entries in an Excel sheet. What is needed is greater capacity to adjust production in real time with improved analytical capabilities that enable maximum efficiency and throughput.

This series on a modern manufacturing execution system (MES) has looked at how platform consistency across plants and data connectivity enables greater productivity, supply chain management, material and labor traceability, and much more. When it comes to scheduling, MES draws data from enterprise-level systems to give far richer visibility into production constraints, which allows planners to make fast, informed decisions to keep all the components of the manufacturing plant humming at peak performance and efficiency.

Transforming scheduling with a modern MES gives a manufacturer a valuable competitive advantage, and manufacturing sectors are already investing to realize a higher level of production and efficiency.

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1 2020 Deloitte-MAPI Study of manufacturers, Deloitte Insights.

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