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The CIO Program CIO-in-Residence

Preparing today’s technology leaders for tomorrow

John Marcante, former Global CIO of Vanguard, is the US CIO-in-Residence at Deloitte. In this role he serves as an independent advisor to provide strategic guidance and informed perspectives in the areas of technology and executive leadership.

As CIO-in-Residence, John Marcante provides valuable insight and practical advice to help today’s tech executive prepare for tomorrow. In this role, John serves as associate dean and speaker at the Next Generation CIO Academies, mentor and coach to technology executives, facilitator for CIO Transition Labs, and a WSJ CIO Journal contributor.

Deloitte’s CIO Program names John Marcante as US CIO-in-Residence

Press release

Perspectives from the CIO-in-Residence

Lessons in leadership from our CIO-in-Residence

Much ink has been spilled about the evolving role of the CIO. Many of those discussions have been about the range of responsibilities modern CIOs should take on. But what does it take to become someone who’s capable of taking on those responsibilities? Here are a few observations based on my own experience.

  1. Appreciate the lateral moves. My own career was filled with movement among projects, departments, companies, and even industries. Some moves were internal to the technology function while others took me between IT and the business. Either way, they gave me a true understanding of how to run the businesses, meet with clients, and connect technology with strategy.
  2. Get comfortable with discomfort. I often found myself in circumstances I wasn’t prepared for but had to deal with somehow. You may never get used to the risks or stepping outside your comfort zone, but you do get used to being brave and telling the truth. When opportunity knocks, answer it by taking the leap.
  3. Be in the moment. It’s human nature to second-guess yourself. But when you know what’s right, don’t worry about the hierarchy. Trust yourself and forge ahead.
  4. Form a personal board of directors. These are people in your career who are truth tellers. Think of the former subordinate, the old boss, the peer who you could go to when you have a question. They’ll listen and offer helpful advice when you’re facing a tough challenge.
  5. Remember that you don’t know everything. Humility distinguishes good leaders from great ones. A good rule of thumb is to spend twice as much time listening and understanding as you do talking. Your role is to be a good teammate, no matter how senior you are.
  6. Know the power of vulnerability. It’s how you build trust and lay the groundwork for productive debate. Be candid about the gaps in your knowledge. This also helps encourage others to take the lead in those areas and make you successful, and the reverse is true as well.
  7. Kick competition off the team. Reward systems are often set up so that employees must compete with one another for their raise or bonus. Make sure your employees know that the competition is out there in the marketplace, not in here on the team.
  8. Make yourself board-ready. The purpose of the board of directors is governance, not management. So, write your presentation to their concerns, which include risks, client outcomes, and business outcomes. Keep it concise, and be sure to solicit feedback

Meet the CIO-in-Residence

Deloitte’s CIO Program has long been recognized for excellence in guiding senior IT leaders through their most pressing obstacles and providing insight in a swiftly changing digital landscape. I am honored and excited to be part of a world class team as ‘CIO-in-residence’ and look forward to continuing the mission of advising the technology leaders of today and tomorrow.

– John Marcante, CIO-in-Residence in the Deloitte U.S. CIO Program

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John T. Marcante is an award-winning senior technology and business executive with experience in digital transformation, business strategy, asset management and wealth planning, cyber security and technology risk. John is currently the CIO-in Residence for Deloitte, an ambassador for the Professional Development Academy (PDA), and the founder of Technology Leadership Solutions, LLC. As Vanguard’s former CIO and managing director, Marcante steered Vanguard’s growth over his 28-year career.

John received industry recognition as Business Insider Top 50 CIOs leading the cloud computing revolution, ORBIE CIO of the Year, Constellation Business Transformation 150 and Forbes CIO Innovation Award. John earned a B.S. at The Pennsylvania State University and an M.B.A. at Saint Joseph’s University. He holds FINRA series 6, 7, 23, 24, 26 licenses.

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