
Cloud native computing: The future of cloud

Deloitte on Cloud Blog

Deloitte is proud to announce that we’re becoming a member of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). This will allow our clients to now have access to some of the most revolutionary cloud native developments, helping them get to the future faster.

January 10, 2019

A blog post by Vishveshwara Vasa, Cloud Native Development Leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP

It is an oft-repeated adage across the industry that every business is a software business. In the age of cloud computing, that simple turn of phrase has become more relevant—and important—than ever, as businesses as diverse as global banking giants and consumer packaged goods distributors all look to the cloud to run unique applications and manage the intricacies of their operations. And increasingly, these companies are depending on cloud native solutions to meet their most challenging goals.

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has been at the forefront of this movement, championing cloud native development that is open, scalable and platform agnostic—allowing for fully containerized, horizontally scalable, and globally distributed solutions that can be updated in hours rather than weeks. Kubernetes, Istio, and Helm all owe their success to the cloud native moment; and these technologies in turn have revolutionized the way the world manages data and does business.

According to the CNCF’s latest survey (survey link), the use of cloud native technologies has grown approximately 200 percent in the past year alone, underscoring the growth of this movement. And that’s why Deloitte is proud to announce that it is becoming a member of the CNCF, focused on collaborating with and contributing to leading practices and architectures; supporting industry forums; and providing funding to help pilot projects. By joining the CNCF, our clients will have access to some of the most revolutionary cloud native developments, helping them get to the future even faster.

The future of cloud native is only getting brighter, and we’re excited to be a part of it.

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