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Data-Powered Public Services

Episode 3 – The 6 principles of data sharing

Data is one of your most valuable assets and a key enabler for better citizen services. Used properly it can drive better outcomes, create efficiencies, and help you tackle complex issues like fraud.

What is data for really?

We need it for insight. But insight isn’t enough. Once we share it, we need actions and decisions based on that insight to achieve our important business or policy outcomes.

To realise that potential, you’ll need to create a data-driven culture and change the way you collect, leverage, and share data.

Our speakers explore how you can make that happen in their short videos within this series. See what they’ve got to say and please don’t hesitate to get in touch with them if you’d like to hear more.

Episode 3 – The 6 principles of data sharing

Rajeev Pai, Director and Raghu Bhaskar, Manager

Want to chat to Rajeev and Raghu? Just drop them a line.

You can now share data in a compliant way, protecting the privacy of customers and safeguarding the data confidentiality. This is ‘an opportunity not to missed’. One that could change the future of your organisation. That’s the key takeaway from Rajeev’s brief but insightful interview. Historically, stakeholder resistance, immature technologies and unwieldy regulations have stopped us from realising the value of data sharing. But Raghu explains how recent advancements in privacy-enhancing techniques and data sharing frameworks have changed the game. And how the destinies of organisations not only depend on how well they harness data, but also how effectively they share it.

Meet the author

Eric Applewhite


Driven by a desire to make an impact, Eric analyses data with the aim of constructively transforming organisations in the North of England. His primary focus is the public sector. With a 25-year career it’s difficult to choose a specific highlight, but his work in New York is a period that he is particularly proud of. He integrated the city’s eight health and social care agencies using pioneering data analytics and collaboration. Another career highlight would have to be helping Greater Manchester establish a ground-breaking data-sharing body, named GM-Connect. The overall aim was (and still is) to identify people in the area that are most in need of support, whilst reducing the cost of public services using technology and interdisciplinary alliances. Eric is a proud husband and father to two half Geordie/half American children who are inspiring. He also loves history, travelling, and beekeeping (aspiring now - but with great ambitions for the future!).