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Mobile Consumer Survey 2014

Revolution and evolution

As we approach the 30th anniversary of the first ever mobile phone call made in the UK, our collective dependency on mobile services continues to rise.

Our fourth annual edition of the UK Mobile Consumer survey analyses the five key sub trends that we see happening in the mobile industry.

***2015 Mobile Consumer Survey coming soon***

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Key findings

Our fourth annual edition of the UK Mobile Consumer survey analyses the five key sub trends that we see happening in the mobile industry. Some key findings include:

  • 35 million people have a smartphone in the UK
  • One in six UK adults look at their smartphone more than 50 times a day
  • Over 30% of UK adults look at their smartphone within five minutes of waking up
  • The average Instant Message (IM) user sends over 55 IMs a day
  • 4G subscriber numbers are expected to exceed 10 million by the end of the year
  • Only a fifth (20%) of mobile consumers with 4G have watched more video since subscribing to 4G, compared to 49% in 2013
  • App downloads  are down compared to last year.

Previous edition: Mobile Consumer Survey 2013

What is the most common reason for choosing a mobile device? How and where are consumers choosing to connect their mobile devices, and where is the future growth in connectivity? What activities are people doing on their devices and what opportunities does this bring?

Find out the answers and more in the UK cut of the 2013 global mobile consumer survey.

About the research

This is the fourth annual edition of research commissioned by Deloitte focused on attitudes and usage of mobile technologies and devices. The UK data cut is part of Deloitte’s Global Mobile Consumer Survey, a multi-country study of mobile phone users around the world. The 2014 study comprises of 37,000 respondents across 22 countries and five continents.

Data cited in this report are based on a nationally representative sample of 4,000 UK consumers. Fieldwork took place in May 2014 and was carried out online by Ipsos MORI, an independent research firm, based on a question set provided by Deloitte. An additional set of questions around downloads and expenditure of apps was carried out in July 2014 on a nationally representative sample of 1,956 UK consumers.

This brief report provides a snapshot of some of the insights that the survey has revealed. Additional analyses such as: reasons for buying mobile devices, device replacement cycle, reasons for joining/leaving mobile operators, attitudes towards triple/quad play, usage of tablets are available upon request.

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