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Mobile Consumer Survey 2013

Revolution and evolution

Smartphone penetration is likely to rise with 30% of those planning to buy a smartphone not currently owning one. With this growth reverberating around organisations involved in mobile, there is great excitement in the industry.  

The survey findings range from looking at how UK consumers use their mobile devices and device ownership, to which apps and content users are accessing, how they connect to the Internet and the dynamics between operators.

To find out more visit the 2013 Mobile Consumer Survey microsite

Key findings

  • UK respondents have access to an average of 5.4 portable devices
  • Tablet penetration more than doubled in 2013 with growth of 165% in the 35-44 age group
  • The over 55 age group saw the biggest increase in smartphone ownership with 40% of the 'golden generation' having one
  • The most important influencers when buying a phone are cost, reliability and design
  • Wi-Fi is the principal source of 'mobile' connectivity for all portable devices in the UK
  • Instant Messaging (IM) is growing in popularity with almost one third of smartphone users using IM services
  • In 2013 average app downloads have increased on smartphones but decreased on tablets
  • The number of people who want their next phone to have 4G has gone up to 35% in 2013.

About the research

The 2013  Mobile Consumer Survey was the biggest of its kind with 4,000 respondents from across the UK.  It provided an enlightening perspective on the UK mobile market and identifies clear implications for Technology, Media and Telecoms organisations.

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