KSeF Navigator - towards efficient implementation of e-invoices


KSeF Navigator - towards efficient implementation of e-invoices

The latest Deloitte knowledge base on the mandatory National System of e-Invoices (KSeF)

January 2024

Mid-2024 will bring mandatory structured invoicing. According to the Ministry of Finance, the idea behind the introduction of a uniform invoice issuance schema and a platform intended for their verification and storage is to tighten the tax system and streamline settlements between companies. As of 1 July 2024 taxpayers will be required to issue invoices using the National System of e-Invoices (with certain exclusions), and until then this solution can be used voluntarily.

Our clients and companies that cooperate with us frequently turn to us with numerous technical questions regarding the National System of e-Invoices (KSeF). So, what are the current rules that apply to KSeF and e-invoices? What kind of difficulties and challenges do companies face during the implementation process? What KSeF-related steps should all organizations take?

We have compiled this practical guide to discuss the most common doubts that arise throughout the implementation process. Deloitte’s study includes an analysis of the regulations, a description of processes involved in implementing the tool, necessary technicalities, and guidelines on how to use the system correctly.

The key regulations introducing the obligatory use of KSeF are about to come into force in the middle of the year. Failure to comply with the obligations will result in a fine, yet not imposed immediately but with a half-year delay. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to go to great lengths to ensure seamless implementation of electronic invoicing obligation in organizations. Importantly enough, invoicing is not just a tax procedure but constitutes one of key business processes. We do believe that shedding some more light on the topic and presenting its extensive scope will prove helpful for the purpose of the implementation phase

– Norbert Wasilewski, Partner Associate, Tax Team.

We wish you a pleasant reading!

KSeF Navigator - towards efficient implementation of e-invoices

KSeF Navigator

Towards efficient implementation of e-invoices

January 2024

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