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Servicios de Diligencia en Adquisiciones y Proveedores

Transacciones integrales y fluidas que desbloquean valor

Ofrecemos servicios especializados relacionados con transacciones, como servicios de diligencia debida para una amplia gama de clientes corporativos y de capital privado. Nuestra experiencia se complementa con conocimientos e ideas de la industria aportados por nuestros equipos globales de expertos, con el objetivo de proporcionar un soporte integral en transacciones que genere valor.

Servicios de Diligencia en Adquisiciones y Proveedores:

Navigate operational issues and accelerate value creation by tapping into the strength of our global network of deal professionals with deep functional and sector expertise. We help you critically evaluate the risks and opportunities that matter for informed decision making, negotiations and strategic and financial value realisation, at deal speed.

Whether you are looking to buy a business in an auction process or making a speculative approach, we help maximise your ability to make the best informed investment decision by having access to robust analysis around the key issues.

Investors increasingly expect a greater degree of information before committing their own resources and capital to a sale. When selling your business or division it is essential that we demonstrate your company’s full financial strength.

Our growing Commercial Due Diligence (CDD) team works to provide highly customised commercial transaction support to the M&A process of both private equity and corporate clients.

I.T is increasingly a key factor in enabling post-deal business development initiatives and successful integration and separation programmes. We’ll help you to anticipate the cost of technology.