
Organisational Transformation

Enabling future-ready organisations

We enable organisations to navigate the dynamically evolving world of today, leveraging data, insights, and people centric experiences to manage, optimise and sustain the desired operational and behavioural changes.

Our services

Digital and emerging technologies, changing market conditions, and regulatory pressures are common external forces that drive business transformation. Internally, it might be new leadership or an event such as a merger or acquisition that sparks change. Whatever the cause, the same challenges apply: How can you align your organisational structure and culture with your business strategy to deliver true transformation and sustain it over time?

Business Agility

Change, Communications & Culture

Organisation Design

HC Merger & Acquisitions

Our thought leadership

Agility – small changes, big impact

Agility does not need to be complex or scaled to be impactful. Often simple changes can generate the greatest impact. The concept is easy to understand – customer-centricity, collaborative teams, continuous learning, and incremental value delivery. But the application of simple concepts is not always as easy as it sounds. How might embracing Agile principles through small consistent changes make an impact?

How HR can enable Business Agility

Successful business agility develops roots in all dimensions of the organisation, from its structure, governance and technology, to its leadership, culture and capabilities. For HR to deliver impact in the face of these new business challenges it needs to critically evaluate its current practices, asking the question, “How can HR facilitate and strengthen business agility in the organisation?”.

Next Level Human-Centric Change Management 

In the past traditional change management techniques were well suited to transformation projects that dealt with linear problems. But in a VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous), more and more organisations face complex and multifaceted global transformation programmes that require an augmented change management approach. Next level human-centric change management puts people at the front and centre of every transformation.

Data is everywhere. How can we use it to drive change effectively?

In a world where food delivery apps can track our favourite meals and determine what we eat, where consumer goods companies advertise products and shape our consumption patterns, and streaming services save on browsing time through intelligent recommender systems, why don’t we use data to drive change within our workforce, by identifying people’s needs and challenges?

Culture in M&A: Managing culture change to enhance deal value

M&A deals often do not go smoothly at all. Many are delayed, terminated, or fundamentally harmed during the deal-making process, whereas the failure rate for completed and implemented deals is between 70% and 90%1. Why? Because leaders often do not give culture the attention it warrants. Cultural integration does not happen by itself, and implementing new policies, systems, and structures is not nearly enough. Companies that do integrate cultures successfully follow three best practices.

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Key contacts

Teena Madhvani

Teena Madhvani


Teena is a Partner in Deloitte’s Human Capital consulting practice in Switzerland. She has over 20 years of experience in various leadership roles and is an expert in organisational transformation. He... More

Andrew Erhardt-Lewis

Andrew Erhardt-Lewis


A sharp thinking, commercially minded senior strategic reward and operations consultant with strong influencing skills and leadership abilities. Lead roles in pay and grading, sales incentives, benefi... More