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What it’s really like to work in Tax & Legal

Q&A with our Tax & Legal team

If you are wondering what a career in Tax & Legal (T&L) might be like, then look no further! Vivien, Tamara and Lise provide insights into the work in T&L and advise for those interested to join.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Vivien:  I grew up in Berlin, Germany and went to school and university there. After I finished my studies I went to Dublin, Ireland, and lived there for a year. That is where I discovered my passion for baking and cooking, as well as my love for beer (especially for Guinness and the pub culture). 😉

After my year in Dublin, I studied Business Administration in Berlin, focusing on German tax law and accounting. Between my studies did an exchange semester in Prague, where I was able to travel and see more of Eastern Europe. On each trip I tried to learn how to cook and bake at least one local dish. To train off all these calories, I do CrossFit and Yoga – even at Deloitte every Wednesday at 7:30.

Tamara: I grew up in the Olten countryside, in the canton of Solothurn, and lived there until I moved to Basel around three years ago. Besides working for Deloitte part time I’m also currently finishing my dual master’s degree in International Management at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern in Olten and the Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge. In my free time I love traveling and reading.

Lise: I grew up in France in a very small village near La Rochelle. I moved to Geneva 4.5 years ago after my master’s degree in Private International Law in Lyon.

In my free time I like to do simple things; either walking by the Léman lake and listening to podcasts or having a coffee or a drink with my friends. I also try to do swimming and badminton more or less regularly. On weekends, I need to escape the city and go hiking in the mountains. Additionally during my free time in France, I help my father take care of our bees and make our honey!

Lise, part of our Tax & Legal team

What do you do at Deloitte and what impact do you make?

Vivien: I am a part of the Corporate Tax team. Therefore, I work with other consultants, managers or directors and our partner to help our clients (companies) with difficult tax related question. One big topic around COVID-19 was for example, if our clients have to set up a new permanent establishment because their employees are allowed or had to work from home. We also help our clients address tax-related challenges before these turn into liabilities and with difficult tax calculations. We simplify and break down complex tax issues for our clients and we communicate on behalf of our clients with the Swiss tax authorities.

Tamara: I am working in the Global Employer Services team in Basel, where we provide employers with immigration, social security and tax support for their mobile employees moving to or from Switzerland. Besides supporting individuals with their social security and tax matters, we also help employers with various aspects such as payroll, remote work, pension and equity plans, etc. In collaboration with the Deloitte network around the globe, our goal is to mitigate/avoid compliance breaches for both the employer as well as employees based on the current legislation.

Lise: I am working as a Senior Consultant in the legal team and I am based in Geneva. Before working in the legal team, I worked as an Analyst in the Forensic department and had then the opportunity to join the legal team as a trainee.

Currently I am working on data protection law and digital law projects for national and international clients in various industries. We make an impact for our clients by translating complex legislations and laws into actionable business activities.

Tamara, part of our Tax & Legal team

What is it like to work for T&L at Deloitte?

Vivien: It is both fun and challenging, interesting, and complex. The people are nice – and the coffee in the cafeteria is good!

I personally really enjoy the atmosphere that we have in the office. In our team we help each other out regardless of what level (Consultant or Manager, Director, or Partner). The superiors are keen that we understand the work that we do and are happy to teach and explain it to us. I have never had the feeling that I should be “afraid” to approach someone. Our leaders even like to see you asking questions. I personally really enjoy working at Deloitte and especially in my team!

Tamara: Working in Tax & Legal is like a mountain run. There are rocky periods which can be stressful and exhausting (e.g. busy season), blocked paths that require new approaches or solutions (e.g. special regulations during COVID-19) and stunning views along the way (e.g. the amazing and supportive network, team events).

Lise: We work in a dynamic and challenging environment. It is enriching and I learn more every day from my colleagues!

Vivien, part of our Tax & Legal team

What do you enjoy most about your work?

Vivien: It never getting boring because there is always something new with each case and question that we get. It can be complex because for example we help clients based all over the world. But this also means that I’m able to work very internationally, which was one of the reasons why I joined Deloitte and moved to Switzerland. I really like the fact that I get to work with a variety of people and numbers as well as with the tax law.

A big bonus about our team and Deloitte: The people are nice, willing to help, the environment allows one to grow and the coffee (especially the cappuccino with oat milk) in the cafeteria is good! And do not forget the happy hour every first Friday.

Tamara: I enjoy the variety of tasks, the international aspects of my work and the team spirit we have in our team. This allows me to grow in my job, learn new things and get to know new people in and outside the Swiss tax practice, as well as have fun at work with my colleagues.

Lise: I enjoy working in a multidisciplinary and international team, with people from a lot of different backgrounds and from other internal service lines. I get to work on a variety of projects and with different types of clients (we never do the same things!). I also appreciate working with our Deloitte legal network around the world!


Any advice for someone applying to T&L?

Vivien: It’s helpful if you are a people person and if you are open and willing to learn. And you should have a flair and understanding for numbers.

Tamara: Be ready for an adventure with ups and downs with an amazing team which makes the ups even better and the downs manageable. If you think tax consultants are nerdy and boring, you’ll be up for a surprise!

Lise: Simply be curious and be yourself!

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