Are your workers paid fairly and appropriately for their contribution? We can support you in establishing and communicating practical policies, processes, systems and data capture which enable you to ‘get it right’ in real time.
We can also advise you if you have a review into your compliance with fair pay, whether that comes from an official enforcement body such as HM Revenue & Customs or via a direct challenge from your workforce.
Our teams are made up of experienced advisers that can navigate reviews of this kind in a strategic, practical and pragmatic way, supported by SME’s, including employment lawyers, allowing you to focus on your other priorities. We bring our experience of working directly with the regulators and enforcement bodies to all aspects of a review.
We know that Governments are continuously developing new regulations and increasing connected enforcement strategies and penalty regimes, particularly in the UK through the planned establishment of a ‘Single Enforcement Body’ which is due to be created following the recommendations arising from the Good Work Plan. The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (“BEIS”) released guidance for calculating holiday pay for workers without fixed hours or pay in 2018, with the most recent iteration of this guidance released in July 2020.
It is also known that the Government estimate underpayments of holiday pay of over £3 billion annually across the UK and the headlines which have been naming and shaming employers found to be underpaying employees through NMW breaches are also widely reported on. The Government’s view is that workers are not receiving all rights they are entitled to and in many cases this could lead to underpayment of pay. The Government are planning to tackle this ‘fair pay’ non-compliance through more effective enforcement activity.
We have significant experience of advising clients across a broad range of fair pay matters, please see below for more information on these matters: