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TP Monitor

Complete the questionnaire and identify areas that may be subject to transfer pricing audit

Transactions with related parties have been of particular interest in tax audits over the last few years. Fill in our free questionnaire to identify areas that may be subject a transfer pricing audit.

Data and information provided by Polish companies as a part of the transfer pricing documentation and TPR allow for effective planning of transfer pricing tax audits. Data received by Tax Offices (US) and Customs and Tax Control Offices (UCS) from the obligated entities may already be the basis for drawing preliminary conclusions and formulating preliminary theses on the arm's length nature of certain events and transactions concluded by companies with related entities.

All this means that transfer pricing audits are becoming more and more well-thought-out and focused on specific issues.

  • obligation to prepare a transfer pricing documentation (Local File) in Polish language and according to the Polish regulations,
  • obligation to prepare a benchmarking study to verify the arm’s length character of individual transactions with related parties,
  • obligation to prepare and file transfer pricing information, together with a statement that transfer pricing documentation has been prepared and that the transfer prices covered by the documentation are arm’s length (TPR-C or TPR-P forms),
  • material fiscal penal liability for noncompliance related to the TPR forms.

TP Monitor will enable you to:

  • find out the areas that may be of interest during a tax audit, based on several pieces of information and data on business activities and transactions with related entities,
  • reconsider and further plan possible actions towards changes and prepare for transfer pricing audits transferowych.

Dołącz do nas

Wybór ścieżki zawodowej to coś więcej niż „zdobycie pracy”. To znalezienie miejsca, w którym wiesz, że każdego dnia Twoje działania przynoszą efekty, miejsca, w którym możesz być sobą. To wybór sposobu, w jaki wywierasz wpływ na swoje otoczenie.