All applicants must be able to provide verified whakapapa to confirm their connection to the specific Trust or Incorporation.
You only need to register once, and you will then be able to access all online grants you are eligible by whakapapa to apply to.
Your registration and personal details will be retained in the system and will be available for use by you in subsequent years, as long as you use the same login.
See the bottom of this page for a full list of grants.
Quick links
Supporting documents
You will be required to upload the following supporting documents (hard copies are not required for online applications):
Verified whakapapa sheet: This form will be available to you during the application process. You will be required to obtain a shareholder’s signature and upload the completed form. If you recieved a grant last year, and as long as you use the same login, you will not be required to provide your whakapapa again.
Enrolment confirmation: Showing your current course and
papers enrolled in.
Academic record (for students in Year 2 and higher): Showing your progress/results in your current programme of study.
Receipt: Showing course fees have been paid, or student loan entitlement advice. Please note that an invoice is not a receipt. First Year Students eligible for Fees Free Study must provide eligibility from Tertiary Education Commission.
Bank account confirmation: Printed form, clearly showing bank account number entered in online form.