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Transformation in the Cloud

Oracle ERP and HCM

Whether you’re sprinting toward a single cloud application or going the distance with a major cloud-enabled business transformation, the global alliance between Deloitte and Oracle can make all the difference in whether you arrive efficiently and safely. From business strategy to technology, our team understands what it takes to modernize your organization and drive greater business value. Our goal is to help you to get there faster, with experience and with confidence.

Clear up the cloud

Oracle's complete cloud application suite allows businesses of all sizes to connect their companywide operations anytime, anywhere, and from any device. Modern best practices and data-driven intelligence are built into the applications. Oracle Cloud Applications are complete, future-proof, and trusted, enabling modern business transformations. 

With Oracle Applications, create differentiated products and services, enter new markets and respond to global demand, delight customers and drive loyalty, all while infusing business and IT operations with adaptive intelligence, standardized business processes, at lower cost and complexity.

Not sure if your organisation is ready for the Cloud? Deloitte can help there too. Our Oracle Cloud Transition Lab offers a customised working session for organisations interested in exploring what the cloud could bring to their business.

Set in a structured environment, Deloitte’s value-based assessment approach takes a deep dive into your organisation, and could help you to create a business transition plan and migration map.

Our services

Over the past few years, the technology landscape has shifted and been reborn in the shape of the Cloud. Cloud technology is here for the long haul, and its applications are both practical and efficient, enabling implementations to propel your business forward and drive value. As Oracle’s first Global Cloud Elite partner, Deloitte is well versed in Oracle Cloud technology and implementations, including: