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Tax Press Articles

Find out about Deloitte’s word in the press and read our latest articles on tax hot topics.

"FASTER" withholding tax relief procedures to bolster EU capital markets by 2030
June 2024

On 14 May 2024, the Council of the European Union reached an agreement (general approach) on “FASTER” — the Directive on the Faster and Safer Relief of Excess Withholding Taxes.

Price it right: the importance of cost accounting for intragroup services

June 2024

Multinational enterprises must include transfer pricing and cost accounting experts in taking an integrated approach to supporting the arm’s-length nature of intragroup service charges, say Enrique Marchesi-Herce, Gilles Andreini, and Serena Picariello of Deloitte Luxembourg.

Pillar Two in Luxembourg: a game changer for accountants
May 2024

The assessment and adoption of the Pillar Two law necessitate the understanding of taxation principles and consolidated financial statements requirements, further emphasizing the effects of accounting on taxation. It also brings attention to the crucial role that accountants may have when working along with tax specialists. Therefore, cultivating new tax accounting awareness and skills is becoming critical for a smooth adoption of the new Pillar Two accounting impacts.

What is new in Luxembourg on the transfer pricing front?

April 2024

Balazs Majoros of Deloitte Luxembourg provides an update on the transfer pricing landscape in the grand duchy against a backdrop of opposition to a draft bill and winds of change from the EU

Exonération de TVA pour les fonds de pension ?
April 2024

Le 14 mars 2024, l’Avocat général auprès de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne, CJUE, a rendu ses conclusions dans l’affaire dite «des fonds de pension néerlandais» qui interroge la possibilité pour les fonds de pension de bénéficier de services de gestion exonérés de TVA, à l’instar des fonds d’investissements.

New investment tax credit: what’s in it for you

March 2024

To support Luxembourg companies’ green and digital transitions, Luxembourg has reformed its investment tax credit (ITC) regime. Its flagship feature—a new 18% rate for investments and expenses in digital transformation and green transition—is sure to appeal to innovative businesses.

How does transfer pricing impact the banking sector?

March 2024

Luxembourg is one of the leading financial centers in Europe. The country is characterized by an internationalized banking industry focused on private banking services for highnet-worth-individuals. Brexit forced foreign banks to rethink their operating model, and many relocated their operations from the United Kingdom and strengthened their presence in Luxembourg, providing them continued access to EU passporting rights across Europe.

Real World Asset, paving the way for the future of the fund industry

March 2024

Decentralized Finance, or DeFi, experienced a tremendous rise in 2020 and 2021. During that period, we witnessed an explosion of DeFi projects with compelling use cases and investment opportunities. Indeed, with FED and ECB rates close to 0% at that time, investors seeking higher yields turned to the world of DeFi, where they could achieve returns of 20% to 30% on stablecoins. Such returns led significant amount of capital into DeFi.

Pillar Two’s safe harbour: practical challenges
March 2024

As the digital economy expands beyond geographical lines, international companies are facing rising scrutiny about their tax strategies. One example is the Global Anti-Base Erosion Model Rules (GloBE), a two-pillar solution by the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework, to ensure large businesses pay their share of taxes wherever they operate.

Modernized investment tax credit system: what impact in Luxembourg
February 2024

New law taking effect on January 1 2024 will modernize investment tax credit by increasing rates and extending its scope, and prioritizing companies that invest in digital transformation or ecological and energy transition.

TVA : Projet de loi pour lutter contre la fraude dans des secteurs sensibles
December 2023

Le gouvernement luxembourgeois a récemment déposé auprès du parlement un projet de loi(1) (N° 8399) visant à lutter contre la fraude à la TVA dans certains secteurs extrêmement sensibles à la fraude comme la vente [...]

Revolutionizing alternative investment: unleashing tokenized ELTIF 2.0
December 2023

Over the past few years, alternativen investment managers have been showing a growing interest in the concept of retailization.

Navigating a changing and complex environment
December 2023

In time of tumultuous financial environment, the debt investment and credit lending funds have proven to be robust players, strategically expanding amidst crises.

TVA et voitures de société : où en sommes-nous au Luxembourg et dans les pays limitrophes ?
November 2023

Presque trois ans après la décision «QM» de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne (CJUE) qui a considérablement modifié le traitement TVA de l’utilisation privée des voitures de société pour les salariés...


Pillar Two Perimeter: Embarking on a top-down assessment journey
November 2023

On 4 August 2023, the Luxembourg government submitted the draft law (Draft) to the Luxembourg parliament, implementing the Pillar Two Directive which aims to establish a global minimum taxation threshold of 15%...


Digital transformation and the role of the Board
October 2023

Technological change is not a new concept for boards, but the speed of change witnessed recently is unparalleled particularly with the rapid advancements in technologies such as AI...


Debt capacity under review across Europe – emergence of a new transfer pricing reality
October 2023

Karolina Ibranyi-Matkovits examines the specific regional requirements prevalent across Europe.

Debt capacity analysis across Europe: emergence of a new TP reality
October 2023

Karolina Ibranyi-Matkovits of Deloitte Luxembourg summarises crucial research on how debt capacity is managed across Europe.

TVA: des évolutions importantes à venir pour les administrateurs ?

September 2023

Le 13 juillet 2023, l'Avocat général de la Cour de justice de l'Union européenne (CJUE), Madame Kokott, a rendu ses conclusions dans l'affaire "TP", C-288/22 [...]

VAT status of company directors: insights from the “TP” case

September 2023

Raphaël Glohr and Michel Lambion of Deloitte Luxembourg discuss the implications of a recent CJEU decision on the complicated VAT status of company directors throughout the EU.

Navigating the VAT treatment of security tokens in the EU

July 2023

Vincent Martin and Tomas Papousek of Deloitte Luxembourg analyse the complicated relationship between security token offerings and the EU’s VAT rules.

MiFID top-up license and potential impact on transfer pricing models
June 2023

Luxembourg is a central hub for the world’s leading asset managers to distribute their investment funds globally.

Debt capacity of Luxembourg companies: yet another headache for investment managers?
May 2023

For fund managers, intercompany debt has always been a preferred way to structure capital injections into Luxembourg Special Purposes Vehicles (SPVs) because it provides a fast and efficient way to move cash across the investment platform

Accounting for crypto assets in Luxembourg: a guide
May 2023

Vincent Martin and Jordan Feltesse of Deloitte Luxembourg overview the evolving tax landscape for crypto assets in Luxembourg offering guidance in the absence of established regulation.

Transfer pricing audits in Luxembourg: thoughts on current practice and future developments

May 2023

Balazs Majoros and Adam Wojewoda of Deloitte Luxembourg offer practical tips for businesses facing audits in Luxembourg and anticipate some significant upcoming tax law changes.

A partir de 2024, les prestataires de services de paiement face à CESOP
Avril 2023

La lutte contre la fraude fiscale, notamment en matière de TVA, est un souci majeur et constant des autorités nationales et européennes

Digital assets, an emerging asset class for alternative investment managers
March 2023

Blockchain technology and its countless use cases are still in their infancy and will become important part of our lives and economy over the next decade.

Le régime fiscal et social des travaillers frontalier France-Luxembourg
March 2023

Avancées, statu quo et incertitudes à l'aube de l'année 2023

Why the asset management sector must include tax matters in their internal audit plans
February 2023

Internal audit, the third line of defense, is an integral part of an organization's internal governance arrangements.

Fund cost supervision: the interplay between undue costs and transfer pricing
February 2023

Costs, whether annual management fees or operating and administrative expenses, are critical to assessing the benefits of an investment fund.

Managing Liquidity in the Time of High Interest

January 2023

Transfer Pricing Considerations

TVA et digitalisation: la proposition de la Commission

January 2023

Après avoir abordé dans nos quatre articles précédents le projet «VAT in the digital age» de la Commission au regard de l’étude qu’elle avait commandée et de la consultation publique qu’elle avait organisée, nous examinons maintenant la proposition de Directive qu’elle a présenté le 8 décembre 2022.

Directors’ functions: direct tax, governance, and VAT considerations
January 2023

Michel Lambion and Frederic Scholtus of Deloitte Luxembourg consider the concept of independence for governance and tax, including [...]

TVA et digitalisation: du guichet unique à l'immatriculation unique

December 2022


Le développement des transactions internationales, notamment grâce au recours à internet, conduit de plus en plus d'opérateurs économiques [...]


TVA et digitalisation: quid des services financiers?

December 2022


Au regard de l'importance du secteur financier (assurance, banque, gestion de fonds, etc.) au Luxembourg, il nous semble intéressant d'examiner les impacts que pourraient avoir la digitalisation de la TVA sur les services financiers, même si l'étude réalisée pour la Commission européenne et sa consultation publique ne les abordent pas spécifiquement.


Transfer pricing, ESG, and the road to net zero
October 2022


Iva Gyurova and Gonçalo Dorotea Cevada of Deloitte Luxembourg analyse the taxation considerations for businesses as they are increasingly compelled to focus on environmental, social, and governance issues.


TVA et digitalisation (2)
October 2022


De nouveaux défis pour les plateformes de commerce électronique.


Intra-group outsourcing arrangements in the financial services industry
October 2022


Outsourcing has never been so popular in the financial services industry. The benefits from cost effectiveness to operational excellence are undeniable.


Vers un système de reporting électronique obligatoire au niveau de l’Union européenne ?
September 2022


La digitalisation est présente dans tous les secteurs. La TVA n’y échappe pas.


La lutte contre le blanchiment de fraude fiscale à l'épreuve de la prochaine visite du GAFI
September 2022


Reportée en raison de la pandémie, la prochaine visite du Groupe d’Action Financière (GAFI) au Luxembourg se déroulera, sauf annulation de dernière minute, à l’automne 2022.


The Multilateral Instrument’s impact on real estate investments
August 2022


The differences and similarities in the implementation of the MLI in Austria, Germany, France, Luxembourg and Poland are summarised by Yves Knel and Anne-Sophie Le Bris of Deloitte Luxembourg, in association with regional experts.


Transfer pricing considerations for outsourcing arrangements in the financial services industry

July 2022


Financial services providers are increasingly using related and unrelated parties to undertake certain activities previously performed in-house to reduce costs and enhance efficiency.


Developments on the EU’s proposed unshell directive

July 2022


Mélanie Delvaux and Jean-Michel Henry of Deloitte Luxembourg give an update on the EU’s proposal for a directive to prevent shell companies being used to evade or avoid tax, and how the regulations could affect companies.


Toward a unified EU system to avoid double taxation and prevent withholding tax fraud
July 2022


The European Commission is currently working on an interesting initiative that, if adopted, could significantly simplify the withholding tax reclaim or relief at source procedures while reducing the risk of withholding tax fraud.


Tokens and DeFi energizing the funds industry, from issuance to taxation

July 2022


2021 was a record-breaking year for cryptocurrencies, with many, including Bitcoin and Ethereum, reaching new market price highs.


Kluwer International Tax Blog
Transfer pricing during the lifecycle of a related party financial instrument
June 2022


Two years on since Chapter X of the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines (Chapter X) was published in February 2020, the practical transfer pricing aspects of financial transactions are due another look.


How automation increases quality in tax compliance
June 2022


Needless to say, the regulatory landscape becomes increasingly complex and abundant. This evolution has contributed to the rise of Big Data and is driving the move to a digitalized world.


Déduction de la TVA par les sociétés holdings « actives »
June 2022


Le 17 mars 2022, la Cour de cassation de Luxembourg a confirmé que la déduction de la TVA supportée sur ses frais par une société holding «active» ne pouvait se limiter au montant des services facturés ce qui constitue une heureuse et attendue confirmation pour de nombreux praticiens et sociétés du pays.


Le juge administratif s’invite de plus en plus dans les discussions fiscales
May 2022


En mars dernier, la Cour administrative a rendu plusieurs décisions marquantes concernant les sociétés.


TVA : une évolution pour les services de gestion de fonds d’investissement ?
May 2022


Le «Bundesfinanzgericht» autrichien a récemment (février 2022) décidé que des services de «reporting fiscal» et de mise à disposition d’un logiciel spécifique à la gestion de risques rendus à des fonds d’investissement ou à leur société de gestion peuvent être considérés comme des services de gestion de fonds exonérés de TVA.


Preliminary lessons learned from TP audits in Luxembourg

March 2022


In 2020, the Luxembourg tax authorities (LTA) launched a wave of tax audits with a focus on financial transactions.


Renforcer la lutte contre la fraude fiscale
March 2022


L’Union européenne impose de nouvelles obligations de «reporting» aux plateformes et aux prestataires de services de paiement pour lutter contre la fraude notamment TVA.


La situation de travailleur frontalier résident fiscal de France
March 2022


Entre l’émergence de la crise de la Covid-19, l’entrée en vigueur de nouvelles dispositions conventionnelles ou la constante évolution de ces nouveaux standards, le travailleur frontalier résident fiscal de France n’est pas resté au repos depuis la fin de la dernière décennie.


Taux de TVA réduits: du changement dans l’air
February 2022


En décembre 2021, le Conseil européen s’est accordé sur une réforme qui offre plus de flexibilité aux États membres en matière de taux de TVA réduits.


The Pan-European Pension Product (PEPP) is coming to Luxembourg
February 2022


Before delving into PEPPs, we should look into how these products came about.


Dimension of Substance – interplay between Transfer Pricing and Controlled Foreign Corporation Rules
January 2022


Luxembourg intercompany financing and holding entities are looking to meet their operational and economic capabilities required to manage their activities.


Cinq réglementations qui vontimpacter la Place
January 2022


Si le secteur fifinancier a été confronté à d’incessantes vagues règlementaires au cours des dernières années, ce mouvement n’est pas terminé. Nous pointons cinq paquets de réglementations qui impacteront considérablement la Place au cours des prochains mois.


IBOR Transition
December 2021


Since its announcement in March 2021, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and ICE Benchmark Administration (IBA), the administrator of LIBOR, will no longer seek to require panel member banks to compel quotes for interbank offered rates (IBOR) after the end of 2021.


Luxembourg: How is the tax function leveraging automation technologies, and why does it matter?
December 2021


Fateh Amroune and Sergio Ruiz de Gracia of Deloitte Luxembourg discuss how global tax authorities are increasing their automation technologies.


ESG: shaping business tax practice
December 2021


Action and perceptions around corporate taxation are now central to ESG’s social and governance aspects. The choices made by investors, clients and employees are driven by their opinions on tax.


Intragroup financial guarantees: to price or not to price?
December 2021


The pricing at market conditions of financial guarantees has attracted increased interest from the tax and treasury teams of many multinational enterprises (MNEs) across the world, following the OECD’s publishing of its Transfer Pricing Guidance.


Obligation de facturation dans les relations «B2G»
December 2021


Une étape significative, ni la première, ni la dernière, de la digitalisation au Luxembourg.


Transfer pricing and the rise of regulation in the alternative investment space
November 2021


Following the 2008 global financial crisis, many countries opted to increase their control and supervision powers of the financial markets.


Circulaire relative au traitement TVA de la formation et de l’éducation
November 2021


Dans cet article, nous examinerons la récente circulaire 808 (1er septembre 2021) de l’Administration de l’enregistrement, des domaines et de la TVA (AEDT) relative à l’accès aux événements éducatifs, aux formations, leçons et recyclage professionnel.


Luxembourg’s last call to review the impact of the ATAD 2 reverse hybrid rules
November 2021


The Luxembourg parliament transposed the second European Council Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive (ATAD 2) into domestic law via legislation published in the Official Gazette (Mémorial) on December 23 2019.


Revue européenne de la TVA sur les services financiers
October 2021


Analyse sectorielle des réponses à la consultation publique.


Luxembourg: VAT digitalisation – harnessing technology to enhance VAT management
September 2021


Cédric Tussiot, Antoine Farioli and Stéphanie Porzio of Deloitte discuss how technology can be used in virtually every step of VAT affairs management.


Automatic exchange of information and data protection rules: friends or foes?
September 2021


Since the 2008 financial crisis, two regulatory trends have notably emerged. On the one hand, transparency is being enhanced through increasing reporting requirements (tax or regulatory) and “substance-over-form” rules, notably seen in IFRS or CRR.(1), and on the other, there is a willingness to protect data of investors and customers.


Les réponses à la consultation publique
September 2021


Dans cet article, nous analyserons les réponses à la consultation publique organisée par la Commission européenne du 8 février au 3 mai 2021 et dont le nombre de réponses et commentaires reçus prouve, si besoin en était, l’importance de la question.


Building a digitally savvy workforce within the tax function
August 2021


Fateh Amroune and Maria Stanisor of Deloitte discuss how tax professionals face the challenges and opportunities created by the digital transformation.


Impacts de la participation à un groupe TVA sur les services entre siège central et succursale

July 2021


Depuis quelque temps déjà, il nous semblait intéressant de consacrer un article à l’arrêt «Danske Bank» rendu par la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne en mars 2021...


The legal certainty principle in Luxembourg tax law

July 2021


Melanie Delvaux and Michael Klotz of Deloitte Luxembourg explain why Luxembourg’s Constitutional Court’s decision is an important development for the principles of legal certainty.


Beyond COVID-19: Luxembourg employers and employees ready themselves for the future of work

July 2021


Cross-border relations between Luxembourg and its neighboring countries are still bearing the brunt of the COVID-19 crisis.


Intellectual property enters new tax era

June 2021


Changes to the taxation of intellectual property enter their final phase on 1 July 1, bringing a five-year transitional phase to an end.


La propriété intellectuelle dans une nouvelle ère fiscale

June 2021


Le changement de régime concernant la fifiscalité de la propriété intellectuelle entre dans sa phase défifinitive ce 1er juillet.


Interview with Bernard David and Pierre-Antoine Klethi

June 2021


Please discuss between yourselves and share with our audience if there has been consistency with regards to the ørst perception and response by high level management to the challenges caused by this crisis and the first step responses?


Luxembourg AIF platforms, a unique reach to growing Asian deployment and distribution

June 2021


The Asia Pacific (APAC) region has developed quickly and become a renowned marketplace for worldwide investors.


How Luxembourg's SIFs fulfil the criteria of a German special investment fund

June 2021


The German special investment fund tax regime, announced in 2018, is still relatively unknown among Luxembourg funds, even as it grows in popularity among German institutional investors.


Income tax treaty between Luxembourg and Russia successfully renegotiated
May 2021


Nicolas Devergne and Adam Kundrat of Deloitte discuss the amendments made to the income tax treaty between Russia and Luxembourg.


How are tax authorities using your data?
May 2021


Data use and management: The latest front on the tax battlefield


ITR: Tax governance and the increased focus on TP in Luxembourg
April 2021


Financial services industry players are facing unprecedented tax, legal, and regulatory changes that they can no longer address in isolation.


De nouveaux régimes déclaratifs. Pourquoi, pour qui ?
April 2021


Le 1er juillet 2021, de nouvelles règles TVA concernant es-sentiellement l’économie «digitalisée» et notamment les ventes à distance aux particuliers de biens commandés «online», entreront en vigueur au sein de l’Union européenne.


SFF Magazine
DAC6 in Luxembourg - Can a taxpayer also be an "intermediary" ?
April 2021


The international tax landscape has substantially changed over the last decade, and the fifth amendment to the 2011/16/EU Directive on Administrative Coopera­tion (DAC6) has prompted yet another shift in reporting obligations.


Revue européenne de la TVA dans le secteur financier : Pourquoi?
March 2021


En rendant accessible se consultation publique, le Commission européenne a ouvert le processus qui devrait aboutir en fin d'année à la publication de sa proposition de réforme des règles de TVA applicables aux services financiers.


A closer look at tax assessments in Luxembourg

January 2021


In recent years, Luxembourg has recorded a continued increase in the number of claims filed by corporate taxpayers with respect to direct tax decisions issued by the Luxembourg tax authorities (LTA). Luxembourg’s declarative tax system and swift-paced framework for the assessment of tax returns makes the Grand Duchy’s tax audit process distinct from that of other countries.


The path to sustainable tax governance in Europe
January 2021


Tax became a focal point for European public opinion in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. Since then, tax transparency towards tax administrations has grown continuously in the European Union. With the shift to sustainable economic growth now the main pillar of the European policy agenda, tax has become a part of corporate sustainability strategies.


Luxembourg: Mapping the EU’s path to sustainable tax governance
January 2021


Grégory Jullien of Deloitte Luxembourg looks at how tax policy is evolving to create a more transparent and sustainable environment for businesses in the EU.


La gestion de la donnée, un enjeu-clé
December 2020


Face à des enjeux réglementaires et fiscaux toujours plus contraignants, les entreprises doivent apprendre à gérer plus efficacement l'information et la production de rapports. Pour cela, il est nécessaire de mettre en place des processus de collecte, de traitement et de partage automatisés de données.


La Cour de justice confirme que les holdings «actives» peuvent déduire la TVA sur leurs «aborted deal costs»
December 2020


La déduction de la TVA par les sociétés holdings est un sujet à la fois complexe au regard de la jurisprudence de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne (CJEU) et crucial pour les nombreuses sociétés de ce type établies au Luxembourg.


Cash pool leaders that are risk-takers enjoy more tax certainty
December 2020


Cash pooling has recently gained in popularity, as businesses seek to optimize their liquidity amidst the turmoil of the Covid-19 pandemic. Tax rules, however, continue to pose challenges for any treasurer looking to set up such an arrangement.


«Digitaliser le secteur Tax, une nécessité»
December 2020


La digitalisation est la croyance en un futur, un business model, une technologie. Pour s’assurer de son succès, accepter le changement et le risque et miser sur des investissements sur le long terme est nécessaire. Peu habitué au risque, le secteur doit toutefois se digitaliser.


Can technology help deal with the complex issue of double tax treaty application?

November 2020


Taxation must keep up with economic developments, including states’ tax laws and tax treaties, which are subject to regular adjustments.


Services et livraisons de biens au sein de l'Union européenne

November 2020


Acompter du 1er juillet 2021, les règles applicables au sein de l’Union européenne connaîtront un certain nombre de changements importants.


Luxembourg: EU VAT changes postponed until July 2021
October 2020


Initially scheduled for January 1 2021, EU changes to the VAT treatment of goods and services supplied to mainly non-taxable VAT persons has been postponed until July 1 2021 due to the global health crisis.


Changements TVA 2021(1) : Importations de biens et responsabilité des interfaces électroniques
September 2020


A partir du 1er juillet 2021, de nouvelles règles s’appliqueront au sein de l’Union européenne à un certain nombre d’opérations. Ces modifications devaient initialement intervenir au 1er janvier 2021 mais ont été retardées de six mois en raison de la crise sanitaire.


A closer look at investor tax reporting for Luxembourg AIFs
September 2020


A successful cross-border distribution of Luxembourg-based funds requires a thorough understanding of multiple tax compliance requirements across various countries and jurisdictions.


The new FATCA and CRS landscape: A higher level of compliance and controls
September 2020


For about 20 years now, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has been promoting the exchange of information for tax purposes as an efficient way to tackle tax evasion and aggressive tax avoidance.


Revisiting transfer pricing for asset managers in the current economic environment"
September 2020


The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in a new normal for both traditional and alternative asset managers.


UK announces post-Brexit customs tariff
August 2020


One of Brexit’s many impacts is the changes to the tax rules that will happen at the end of the transition period. This includes the movement of goods between the United Kingdom (UK) and the European Union (EU) becoming imports and exports for customs and VAT purposes.


Luxembourg: VAT and customs in a post-Brexit era
August 2020


There is provision in the Withdrawal Agreement for the transition period to be extended until December 31 2021 or even 2022, the UK government has been clear that it does not intend to request an extension.


Assessing the TP impact of the global IBOR transition
July 2020


The replacement of existing IBORs with alternative reference rates (ARRs) is one of the most complex regulatory transformation programmes in recent times, affecting financial firms, corporations and credit market participants with IBOR exposure alike.


Deloitte’s financial services guide: Confronting the new reality
July 2020


Deloitte’s global TP network is pleased to sponsor the 2020 edition of ITR’s special focus guide dedicated to the financial services sector.


End of the lockdown: Make it safe … from a tax and social security perspective too!
July 2020


In the face of the COVID-19 outbreak, businesses all around the world had to implement sound business continuity programs to continue operations despite the lockdown imposed by the relevant authorities.


Brexit (3) : Le Royaume-Uni annonce son tarif douanier post-Brexit : plus que des chiffres !
July 2020


Dans un précédent article («Implications en matière de TVA et de droits de douane : quid en 2021 ? qu’anticiper ?»), nous avions examiné quelles pourraient être les implications en matière de TVA et de droits de douane de l’éventuel accord à conclure entre l’Union européenne et le Royaume-Uni.


Déduction de la TVA par des sociétés holdings : de nouvelles précisions à confirmer par la Cour de justice
June 2020


La déduction de la TVA par les holdings est une question importante pour de nombreux acteurs de la place.


DAC6: What do financial institutions need to know about their clients’ tax affairs?
June 2020


DAC6 is the name commonly given to EU Directive 2018/822/EU of 25 May 2018 and refers to the most recent amendment to the EU directive on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation.


Evaluating the EU VAT Committee’s guidelines on “quick fixes”
April 2020


On January 1 2020, the “quick fixes” to the EU’s VAT regulations were transposed into Luxembourg law. These measures aim to simplify, clarify, and harmonise rules applicable to certain intra-Community supplies of goods.


Brexit (2) : Implications en matière de TVA et de droits de douane : quid en 2021 ? qu’anticiper ?"
April 2020


Dans un premier article, nous avons examiné la période de transition qui sera applicable, sauf improbable prolongation, jusqu’au 31 décembre 2020, les quelques règles prévues par l’accord de retrait et le régime spécial de l’Irlande du Nord. Dans cet article, nous envisageons ce que pourrait être l’après 2020 et quelques anticipations possibles.


TP article Transfer pricing in financial services: The outlook for 2020 and beyond
April 2020


Deloitte's financial services transfer pricing (FSTP) network provides an outlook on four key transfer pricing trends (TP) that may impact the financial services sector in 2020 and beyond.


OECD’s Chapter X: Three key areas of impact for Luxembourg
April 2020


On February 11 2020, the OECD released the new Chapter X of the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations.


AGEFI: Lignes directrices du Comité TVA en matière de «quick-fixes» qu’il est difficile de simplifier
April 2020


Dans deux articles précédents, nous avions décrits et commentés les règles dites «quick-fixes» applicables depuis le 1er janvier 2020 à certaines opérations intra-communautaires sur biens et visant à simplifier et harmoniser le régime TVA.


The OECD’s Transfer Pricing Guidance on Financial Transactions: Three key implications for Luxembourg
March 2020


On 11 February 2020, the OECD released the report Transfer Pricing Guidance on Financial Transactions: Inclusive Framework on BEPS: Actions 4, 8-10 (the Report).


DAC6 en pratique : «Houston, on a un problème !»
March 2020


Depuis son adoption en 2018, la directive UE 2018/822 prévoyant un échange automatique et obligatoire d'informations dans le domaine fiscal en rapport avec les dispositifs transfrontières devant faire l'objet d'une déclaration, fait beaucoup parler d’elle.


Brexit: Implications en matière de TVA et de droits de douane: que savons-nous?
February 2020


Les nombreux développements dans le processus du Brexit l’ont rendu difficile à suivre et à comprendre.


L'OECD s'attaque (enfin) aux transactions financières
February 2020


L’OCDE a publié mardi les lignes directrices applicables aux contribuables luxembourgeois – et internationaux dans le cadre des prix de transfert applicables aux transactions financières.


The OECD is finally tackling FS transactions
February 2020


On 11 February, the OECD released its guidance on transfer pricing for financial transactions. The organization has been at the forefront of international cooperation in tax and transfer pricing matters for decades.


Luxembourg: Tax impact of the global IBOR transition
February 2020


Regulators globally are spearheading one of the most complex transformation programs in recent times, affecting both financial firms and corporations, under which existing interbank rates (IBR) gradually will transition to alternative risk-free rates (RFRs).

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