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AI4FSI Survey

Questions answered on the future of AI

The survey launched by Deloitte on AI utilization in the financial service institutions and vendors. To discuss top trends and answer all your questions on the future of AI.

Deloitte has launched a survey on AI utilization to a wide range of European stakeholders to represent a broad spectrum of the FSI sector and to some of the most prominent vendors that have already developed and launched innovative AI solutions on the market, to discuss top trends and answer all your questions on the future of AI.

Despite the Covid-19 situation, the growing trend is confirmed and investments seem to be rising in line with the global trend. Although investments in AI are currently related to reducing costs and increasing process efficiency, in the next few years they’ll focus on more strategic targets.

What if you’d like to implement AI applications into your business? That’s easy! The AI Deloitte Team will help and guide you through the best solutions, according to your needs. Take a look at the brochure or let Dot, our digital assistant, take you through our research!”

Audio Brochure

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