About us

Mobility Boost Asset

A key accelerator combining strategic advisory and technology architecture solutions to deliver new mobility experiences.

The challenge

Today more than ever, customers are changing their mobility habits, with technology increasingly enabling value adding services and innovative customer experiences. In a context of strong evolution from smart cities to decarbonization, New Mobility represents a major opportunity not only for automotive players but also for companies not traditionally linked to the mobility industry (insurance, financing, payment, energy, telco, media, transportation, technology) and government institutions.

Mobility Boost is Deloitte’s solution to transform these challenges into opportunities for all stakeholders eager to understand which role to play.
The Asset combines Global intelligent mobility ecosystem best practices, strategic advisory and technology architecture solutions to design innovative “beyond core” business models with a human-centric industry framework. The distinctive offering is based on the:

  1. Ability to understand and transform business models to define innovative strategies for an increasingly sustainable mobility landscape
  2. Ability to understand and shape innovation contexts to consistently stay ahead of the curve and intercept emerging economic, social and technology trends
  3. A technological solution based on Connected Car, Connected Driver management and data intelligence, providing a comprehensive set of capabilities activated through multiple channels, suitable for mobility ecosystem players, OEM sector and Dealers


Mobility Boost offers a wide range of benefits able to create win-win opportunities for you and your Clients:


Mobility Boost Asset combines Global Mobility Best Practices to enhance companies’ efficiency and productivity. The asset covers main areas focused on AI and 720°customer view:


Business Modelling, Open Innovation and the Deloitte Mobility Platform encompass the Mobility boost Asset:

How it works

Mobility Boost provides a toolkit of capabilities that delivers hyper-relevance experiences at speed and scale for traditional mobility companies as well as new players entering the ecosystem.
The Asset accelerates the design of new business models, the creation of innovative offerings and the speed up of Digital Transformation processes, in particular across different Business Models (traditional and not): Ownership, Fleet, Rent, Car Sharing, Smart cities.

Mobility Boost Platform covers the end-to-end Connected Car and Connected Driver management, through different touch points (Dealer, Agency/Point of Sales, Mobile App, Web, Social, Contact Center) independently from the type of relationship/ownership existing between drivers and Car. It covers capabilities in terms of Front-End, CRM, Digital Marketing, Billing, Operations and Analytics, providing a full set of:

  • User Stories and Processes (100+)
    A complete set of front-end and back-end processes, already designed according to best practices to cover all business needs
  • Capability Map (50+ Macro-capabilities)
    A comprehensive and multichannel capability map to satisfy business requirements and easy to integrate with other systems
  • Prebuild Packages and Architecture
    Different sets of capabilities have been prioritized and are implementable for stakeholders of the mobility ecosystem
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