Alessandro is the Head of PP&SR Centre for Deloitte in Italy.
Since 2015, he is Director at the Brussels-based Deloitte EU Policy Centre, aimed at facilitating dialogue among Deloitte professionals, policy makers and business leaders, developing perspectives, analysis and insights on public interest themes affecting socio-economic growth and development in Italy and in Europe.
Previously, he worked as auditor manager at Deloitte since 2014, where he developed extensive experience in coordinating cross-border assignments of multinational Groups.
Also, he gained consolidated experience in coordinating other assurance and non-assurance engagement, such as: compliance projects (US-SOX and Italian equivalent legislation), IPOs, other special assignments (unbundling, due diligence), clients’ assistance with the internal control systems.
He provides training for audit managers as facilitator within Deloitte's internal learning programs.
Alessandro studied International Economics at Växjö University in Sweden and obtained a Master in Business Administration from the University of Rome 'La Sapienza'.