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The impact of the EU’s proposed AML reforms

Past Event

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Event language: English

The impact of the EU’s proposed AML reforms

Sir Rob Wainwright leads a panel of experts in a discussion to identify key areas of note in the EU’s recently released package of proposed AML reforms.

Earlier this year, the European Commission presented a wide-ranging package of legislative proposals to strengthen the EU's Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) rules. Areas of focus include regulations establishing new EU AML/CFT authority, the creation of a new AML/CFT “Single Rulebook” that standardises approaches across member states, and a sixth iteration of the ML Directive to expand the list of obliged entities, strengthen beneficial ownership registers, facilitate cross border information sharing of bank account registers, ban cash payments over €10k and to facilitate enhanced FIU collaboration, amongst a range of other proposed reforms.