Deloitte’s Controls Assurance services help businesses adapt their internal control framework in an evolving business and corporate reporting landscape, to keep pace of regulatory requirements and industry standards.
Deloitte’s Controls Assurance team provides controls assurance services and Internal Audit, including financial accounting and reporting internal control remediation and testing, risk assessment support, and impact assessment and reporting. Deloitte’s controls assurance capabilities include digital controls and are particularly relevant in supporting Finance Transformation projects.
Through these services we support businesses to enhance their internal controls over financial and non-financial corporate reporting to improve operational effectiveness and efficiency.
We also provide controls assessment solutions and guidance to first and second line for audit readiness, financial accounting, and financial reporting, as well as deliver Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) controls modernization and rationalization, plus SOX uplift for new and emerging public companies.
Deloitte’s Internal Audit team provides internal audit strategy and modernization services, as well as co-source and out-source arrangements and staff augmentation, including IT specialists.