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Business agility – An enabler for sustainability

How business agility can enable organisations to solve the complex and time critical challenges of sustainability

Solving the sustainability crisis is complex and yet requires urgent action. Many organizations are challenged to create new innovative solutions that will support global sustainability efforts. However, even though 78% of world leaders are optimistic we can solve for sustainability (Deloitte 2023 CxO Sustainability Report) we don’t see the same level of action.
Business agility equips organizations with mindsets that foster courageous leadership combined with organizational methods and processes to move at speed, learn fast and unlock innovation. How might business agility enable organizations to solve the complex and time critical challenges of sustainability? While 78% of world leaders are optimistic that the world will take steps to solve for sustainability, we don’t see the same level of action. Business agility is a way to equip organizations with courageous leadership combined with organizational processes to move at speed, learn fast and unlock innovation.

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