
The Sustainability Accelerator Tool

Supporting hospitals and healthcare leaders on their sustainability journey

The Sustainability Accelerator Tool (SAT) provides hospitals and healthcare organisations an end-to-end solution to become more sustainable, equitable and resilient. From assessing your hospital or organisation’s sustainability maturity to benchmarking your performance against your peers globally, SAT gives you the overview you need to track your progress and make data driven decisions.

Hospitals today are facing increasing pressure to adopt sustainable practices and build resilient healthcare systems. That's why we have – in collaboration with the Geneva Sustainability Centre and International Hospital Federation – developed the Sustainability Accelerator Tool (SAT). This tool is designed to assist hospitals and healthcare leaders in easily assessing, tracking, and improving their sustainability efforts.

SAT is helping hospitals to turn action into tangible impact in the following ways:

  1. Assess sustainability maturity across three essential areas: understand your organisation's current maturity through a sustainability assessment covering environmental impact, health, equity and wellbeing, and leadership and governance.
  2. Report and benchmark your hospital's performance: report a hospital or healthcare facility’s performance against keyperformance indicators and compare it to other health care organisations worldwide for valuable insights.
  3. Access resources to accelerate progress: go beyond measuring and tracking progress by receiving: tailored feedback and access resources to help your hospital advance on its sustainability journey.
Developed with sustainability experts

SAT was developed in collaboration with sustainability experts and covers all the essential areas hospitals need to focus on. It focuses on three areas and seventeen sub-domains aligned with universal sustainability standards.

If you are interested in taking meaningful and measured steps to reduce the environmental impact, improve the health and wellbeing and enhance the resilience of your hospital or healthcare organisation, please contact us so we can support you and your colleagues.