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Swiss TrendRadar

Discover your future

The TrendRadars provide a systematic overview of the most relevant trends shaping Switzerland’s future.

TrendRadar: Monitoring the future of business

Deloitte’s TrendRadar series analyses current trends in different industries, and their implications for society in general and social behaviour.

The scale and pace of change in different industries can be bewildering, and keeping track of trends and what is happening has become a necessity for companies and other organisations, to avoid the risk of missing out on a competitive advantage or the risk of losing out to competitors. Some trends are likely to have a bigger impact than others and develop over a different timescale.

Assessing trends for impact and timescale

Trends, having been identified as macrotrends within megatrends, are assessed against two criteria: their expected impact on the industry and the time it will probably take until their ‘mainstream’ adoption by ‘average’ market participants (rather than industry pioneers), on a scale from 0-2 years to 10 years plus.

Categorising trends by recommended response

TrendRadar categorises trends in three areas, according to their expected impact and time to mainstream adoption.


Trends that are expected to have a big impact on the industry, and with mainstream adoption in the near term, or that has happened already. For companies that have not reacted already, it is high time to act.


Trends that are expected to have at least a medium size impact on the industry, and with mainstream adoption in the medium term. For these trends, companies should prepare actively for their future development.


Trends that are expected to have a low or very low impact, or for which mainstream adoption is not expected in the near future. Companies should keep these under watch.

Get in touch

How prepared are you for the latest trends?

Contact Deloitte for a benchmarking and find out where your organisation should improve its competences.