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WorldClimate NSE


WorldClimate is our strategy to drive responsible climate choices.

We’ve set a net zero commitment. We’re transforming our business. And we’re empowering our people to help create a better future.

This is our plan.


Our workplace


The buildings we work in, the products we use. It all adds up. We’re changing the way we run things to reduce our carbon footprint and operate more sustainably.

Real estate
Real estate

We’ve taken the learnings from our award-winning sustainable offices, The Edge in Amsterdam and 1 New Street Square in London and created a best practice hub to enable our real estate teams to embed sustainability and wellbeing considerations in all future office refurbishments.


We’re optimising the size and location of our workspaces to better support our hybrid operating model. To make sure we don’t push our emissions elsewhere, we’ll also put measures in place to help our colleagues reduce the carbon impact of working from home.

Renewable electricity

Since 2020, we have procured 100% renewable electricity across our estate and will continue to do so. Looking forward, we’ll support the creation of new renewables capacity, install on-site renewables where practical and phase out our gas heating systems.


of our electricity came from renewable sources in 2020


We’ll continue to reduce our utilities use, improving our energy and water efficiency by another 25% through operational enhancements and investment.

We’ll also make sure this happens in parallel with our work to optimise the environmental conditions in our workspaces, as it’s key they remain healthy and productive for our colleagues.

Waste reduction
Waste reduction

We’ll reduce the amount of waste we produce by an additional 50% per person and minimise the creation of plastic, food and single-use waste through our operations and hosted events.


per FTE reduction in waste production by 2030

Resource efficiency
Resource efficiency

We’ll support the circular economy by prioritising suppliers that use less virgin materials in their products and have designed them to be repurposed or recycled at end-of-life.


we will increase our recycling rates to over 75% and send zero waste to landfill.

Our supply chain


Emissions within our supply chain account for around 70% of our carbon footprint. Working with our suppliers to positively affect change is one of the most impactful ways we can make a difference.


At least 67% of our global supply chain will have set 1.5 C aligned, science-based carbon reduction targets by 2025. To deliver on this commitment we will encourage our key suppliers to accurately measure and publicly report their carbon emissions, and prioritise those that have set an approved science-based target and can demonstrate progress.


of our suppliers (by emissions) will have set science-based targets by 2025

Products & services
Products & services

Our sustainability impacts go beyond carbon. We’re mapping environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks across our supply chain so we can incentivise responsible practices when we purchase products and services.

We also appreciate the critical importance of nature and will identify how we put pressure on nature as a first step to halting and reversing biodiversity loss within our value chain.

Our way of working


With over 75,000 people working across Deloitte North and South Europe, reimagining the way we deliver our services – from the technology we use to how we get from A to B – is an essential part of our transformation.

Sustainable delivery

We want working sustainably to be the default way of doing business with Deloitte.

That’s why we’re introducing a Sustainable Delivery Clause, our commitment to work hand in hand with clients to find more sustainable ways of working. From prioritising virtual collaboration, to choosing the most sustainable ways to travel when meeting in person for the moments that really matter.

We believe that collectively we can drive positive change. That’s why we’re changing how we do business.

Business travel
Business travel

We’ll reduce our travel emissions by 55% (previously 50%) per person by using our sustainable delivery framework to optimise how we deliver international projects. We’ll also invest further in tools that will enable seamless, virtual collaboration with our clients and colleagues.


per FTE reduction in business travel emission by 2030

Personal travel
Personal travel

We’re transforming our car fleet to become fully electric and are encouraging our colleagues to use low-carbon mobility options where available.


of our vehicles will be electric by 2030


We’ll minimise our digital footprint by placing sustainability requirements into major IT contracts that reduce the impact of a product’s manufacture, use or disposal.

We’re also accelerating our consolidation of physical data centres and migrating services to the cloud.

Net zero is our long-term objective. This will require us to reduce our emissions as fast as we can, in line with the SBTI Corporate Net-Zero Standard.

While we decarbonise our business, we will support ‘beyond value chain mitigation’ through a selection of programmes ranging from the purchase of carbon credits generated by projects aligned with our Purpose agenda to enabling or investing in activities that accelerate societal decarbonisation.

Our people


Our people care about climate change and want to be part of the solution. That’s why we’re empowering each and every one of them to do exactly that.


We understand that meaningful change takes dedicated leadership and accountability. Our strategy considers the climate-related risks and opportunities facing our business, the programme is sponsored by our Board and Executive, and our COO group are responsible for its success.


Our firm is full of people who are passionate about protecting the planet. To harness this energy we are empowering our network of climate champions to advocate the importance of climate action, adopt new ways of working and hold us to account. We’re using a personal carbon tracking tool to educate our people on the environmental impacts of everyday actions and help them take steps to reduce their own footprint.


We’re raising our colleagues’ awareness of the impacts of climate change and how the net zero transition will benefit the global economy. We’re also sharing regular sustainability-related insights across our communications channels, so our stakeholders better understand how to take action.


Every aspect of our people experience will reinforce the importance of climate action, from updating roles and responsibilities to include ESG metrics, to recognising colleagues for their contribution to our sustainability agenda and linking performance to ESG. We’re also working with our pension providers where regulation allows, because we want everyone to have the opportunity to invest in ESG-tilted funds and help finance the net zero transition.



No person or organisation can solve the climate crisis alone. We are using our networks and our skills to catalyse cross-sector collaborations through which we can accelerate the global transition to a low-carbon future.

Accelerate innovation

Innovation is key to solving the climate crisis. We help identify and support game-changing environmental innovations, such as through our role as a Global Alliance Member of The Earthshot Prize, the most prestigious environmental prize in history.

Scale solutions

We are developing partnerships that allow us to activate investment and influence policy in favour of the climate and nature solutions required for societal decarbonisation.

Build skills

To transition to a regenerative economy, every sector needs to develop new technical skills. We are developing alliances to enable us to help identify these gaps and create long-term strategies to fill them.

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