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Swiss Banking Business Models of the Future

Embarking to New Horizons

The banking market in Switzerland is undergoing significant change and all current business models are under scrutiny. Among several universal trends and Switzerland-specific market factors affecting banks and their customers, “digitisation” is the most significant. In addition upcoming new regulations will drive more changes to business models than any regulations in Switzerland have ever done before.

Deloitte has produced this report, based on extensive research and fact-finding, to assess how major trends and disruptive innovations will re-shape the business of banking in the future. The report addresses the following questions:

  • What are the key trends affecting banks and their customers?
  • What are the key main innovations that are being driven by these key trends?
  • Which scenarios can be predicted for the banking industry of tomorrow?
  • What will be the most common business models for banks in the future?
  • How should banks make their strategic choice?

This report doesn’t provide definite answers, but it indicates how banks shall address the question: “Where do we want to position ourselves in the banking market of the future?”

Read more about the topic on our Banking blog post "Die Zukunft der Banken entscheidet sich jetzt

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