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Renewables & Engineering

Facilitating the energy transition

Today’s distribution grids must meet the challenge posed by rapidly evolving technological change due to Energy Transition and the shift in the energy mix while at the same time grid assets are aging. In addition, today’s distribution grid operators face ever increasing pressure on costs, performance and the need to keep the risks on the grid under control. Better-quality, fine grained asset performance management has become an indispensable tool for balancing these sometimes conflicting goals.

Overview of competencies

This is the starting point for most grid studies for new connections or the reinforcement of existing connections. Based on energy measurements on the grid, data from digital meters, technical data on assets, grid connectivity data and local production data, a detailed insight into the grid as a system is provided: grid health, grid risks and weak points, and a first impression of whether the grid is ready for the future.We have the unique ability to carry out region-wide grid studies that allow the grid to be analyzed as a total system, taking account of all the assets and components that make up the grid. Our experts identify weak spots in the grid and evaluate their criticality. A detailed technical and financial solution for each identified weak spot is provided.

Taking the current grid load into account while respecting the boundaries of grid stability is key when integrating renewable energy. Guaranteeing security of supply and resolving grid congestion are the targets used to define the most appropriate timeline and action plan. This detailed action plan specifies grid designs, grid reinforcements and transformer station and substation designs, combined into a total grid system with optimized reliability. We assist you with innovative design ideas and proposes a future oriented action plan focused on maximizing added value with a minimum of capital investment.

A grid restoration strategy needs to take account of bidirectional energy flows and evaluate the possibility of support from DERs to stabilize the grid, depending on the type of generation and statistical availability of the resources. The restoration plan is fundamental to a structured and efficient response to outages and can be used as a basis for automated remote grid restauration. We have valuable expertise in detailing grid restoration strategies and can formulate them in form of a manual or automatic restoration strategy.

For avoiding grid congestion and optimizing grid utilization, we have a modern toolbox available. Grid reinforcements can often be postponed or avoided altogether by better controlling demand and infeed. We can help you develop solutions by balancing investment needs and grid risks against the economic cost of curtailing DERs.

This solution will allow you to finetune asset investment planning and replace assets at the right time, respecting security of supply as the key to quality in energy supply.

Such an analysis on the distribution grid becomes increasingly difficult as the number of different DERs increases. Each DER affects short circuit currents on the distribution grid differently, depending on its type. Medium voltage switchgear on the grid must be able to withstand the total short circuit current from the DERs plus the short circuit power of the transformer supplying the grid. We are accustomed to analyzing the short circuit behavior of its grids, taking into account all sources and checking the conformity of all assets on the grid to the short circuit current.

The growing number of DERs connected to the distribution grid and the resulting bidirectional energy transfers make an evaluation of the reduction of grid losses worthwhile. Reconfiguration of the grid often enables losses to be reduced. This reduction translates into a financial benefit which can be achieved- without any need for grid investments. We can provide you with a comprehensive report, detailing all optimizations and the result for the grid as a whole.

Our NGIN solutions

Deloitte developed NGIN solutions together with its industrial partner Fluvius, guaranteeing a pragmatic and proven industry-tailored solution that will help you to overcome the challenges you face and take advantage of the opportunities they create.

We offer tailored solutions around the following domains:

  1. Insights (IoT/Analytics)
  2. Asset Management
  3. Asset Management Maturity Development
  4. Data & Information Management

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