NGIN Data & Information Management can help organizations lay the foundations needed to become more data-driven. Based on an organization’s maturity, the NGIN Data & Information Management solution can help a business determine its information management strategy and targets and identify the governance and core elements to reach its goals.
Cracking the code
Large-scale infrastructure networks, such as electricity, gas, water and telco, are the cornerstone of economic and social development. On the one hand, these networks are becoming more and more connected and digital (e.g. smart grids, IoT). On the other hand, they are becoming more multifunctional (e.g. hydrogen transport over gas networks). This introduces technical complexities and new challenges with respect to integration and reliability, but also a transformation in the way of thinking and working.
We offer tailored solutions around the following domains:
Deloitte developed NGIN solutions together with its industrial partner Fluvius, guaranteeing a pragmatic and proven industry-tailored solution that will help you to overcome the challenges you face and take advantage of the opportunities they create.
NGIN Insights Collection January 2018