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Deloitte Global Cyber Innovation and Acquisitions

The Deloitte Global Cyber Innovation and Acquisitions programme invests in companies, people, technology and intellectual property which align our two greatest assets – our highly skilled team members with the goodwill and trust of our clients.

Empowering this investment are our alliances and ecosystems, bringing them together to for increased operability, opportunity and impact to move the entire business forward with cyber confidence.

We align this global growth strategy across strategic priorities and are always delighted to hear from companies and people who can help achieve our goals.

  • Clients and Industries
  • Offerings and Alliances
  • Acquisitions and Innovation
  • Our people, Skills and Culture

Cyber Innovation

As the world's largest cyber advisor, we have the lofty ambition of also being its most innovative, which will be achieved by placing our clients and their enterprise objectives at the centre of all activities – making ourselves more productive, developing new capabilities and solutions and identifying completely new modes and structures to exceed internal and external expectations.

Using terms and applying structures like "partnership" and “ecosystem” are essential to our Vision as we recognise that many forces must align for systemic innovation to occur.

" No matter who you are, most of the smartest people work for someone else. " - Joys Law

Our Mission-led innovation strategy is diverse and broad in identifying solutions to the issues of both today and tomorrow:

  • Core Innovation enhancing and optimising our current solutions and markets
  • Adjacent Innovation developing solutions which are new to Deloitte Cyber and our clients
  • Transformational Innovation which enables us to think, solve and work outside the box

If you have an idea, technology, or capability that you think would provide benefit to our clients and ecosystem,

Cyber Acquisitions

This programme has dual purposes: to meet the growing demand of our clients for exceptional services today while developing the skills, intellectual property and insights to develop the solutions of tomorrow.

The acquisition strategy is broad and deep, covering:

  • Companies excelling in our critical industries and offerings
  • Exceptional technical, architectural and solution teams
  • Differentiated intellectual property and technology that can be integrated and developed on a global basis

Deloitte is a strategic acquirer and investor with a well-honed acquisition programme managed by professionals formerly from the world’s leading investment banks, law firms and corporate advisors. We focus on achieving the greatest cultural alignment and maximising value creation leading up to an acquisition and during post-integration to achieve the desired outcomes. At the end of the day, the dominant reason to grow via acquisitions is to enhance our ability to protect and enable our clients and community.

If we can help each other achieve that objective.

Let’s connect

Describe in 500 words or less your idea, outlining both the challenge and solution, and why Deloitte would be a suitable partner make the idea a reality?