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Deloitte Africa Corporate Finance Deals

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Our Corporate Finance team has extensive experience, global reach, cross-functional capabilities and combination of client service and middle market focus. We support a range of clients from across the globe including corporates, private equity, financial investors and governments to private companies, family-owned businesses, and entrepreneurs, with a view to realise strategic objectives, shape your vision and unlock value at every stage of the deal.

View transactions completed by our Corporate Finance deal specialists.

Completion date: Sept-23

Industry sector: Information Technology

Transaction type: M&A Advisory: Sell-side

Target: Internet Solutions Digital (Pty) Ltd (“MWEB”)

Acquirer: Web Africa Networks (Pty) Ltd

Vendor: Dimension Data


Deal description:

As part of a strategic portfolio review, Dimension Data identified Internet Solutions Digital (Pty) Ltd (“Mweb”) as non-core to their existing operations and future strategy and took a decision to evaluate the divestment thereof. Deloitte Africa Corporate Finance acted as an exclusive financial advisor to the shareholders of Mweb on the divestment of the business through a focussed and competitive M&A process.

A successful transaction was achieved through:

  • A fair, independent and competitive M&A process which was carefully managed.
  • Identifying and understanding key deal challenges timeously and acting swiftly to resolve them.
  • Engaging with the seller and bidders throughout the process to ensure transparency and build trust.
  • Supporting the due diligence and legal negotiation processes with a hands-on approach.
  • Providing a comprehensive solution that included all aspects of the sale process, from soliciting interest all the way to final closure - a one stop shop, end-to-end M&A solution.

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