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Payroll Managed Service

Local Payroll Delivery on a Global Scale

The management and delivery of compensation and payroll is evolving. The payroll function has grown in complexity, with increasing challenges around the compliant and timely delivery of payrolls for ever more diverse and mobile populations. Added to this there is an increasing expectation that the employee experience is optimised.

At Deloitte we leverage our network of member firms to collate, validate and deliver a truly global offering.

We deliver a bespoke service for domestic, multi-territory, shadow, contractor and modified payrolls.

Underpinned by our belief that payroll extends far beyond the payment of employees, our offering is tailored to your business and encompasses the end to end data journey.

Find out how we can support you on your journey to deliver a truly global payroll.

Expatriate Payroll for Internationally Mobile Employees

The management of expatriate payroll can be a significant challenge and area of risk for many organisations.

Often this requires substantial time input from Global Mobility and Payroll teams.

Through managing global data and delivering compliance via payroll, our team is the market leader in this area. We offer a flexible and reliable service that will support your objectives to streamline processes, bring standardisation and simplification, ensure compliance, control and enhance reporting, all whilst delivering a great assignee experience.

See below the areas we support businesses in tackling the payroll complexities of a globally mobile workforce.

Our services

Coordinating, collating and tracking data from global sources to ensure compliance can be delivered on total compensation.

Converting multiple data sources and formats into one consistent data set.

Is the data that you have collated complete and correct? Applying tests to improve the quality of the data used for tax compliance and reporting.

A monthly statement delivered via our secure portal to the assignee or traveller. This details compensation globally and helps the individual reconcile their pay.

Not all payrolls are able to carry out gross up tax calculations. We provide advice and instruction on what the correct tax withholding should be.

Data for Tax Returns delivered via one seamless process means a more efficient model for your payroll and HR teams globally.

Most companies now have a model for identifying individual business travellers creating a compliance obligation in a host location. We provide the information your payrolls need to deliver tax compliance for these individuals.

Instructing payrolls on what to process, pay and report. We then validate that the payrolls have delivered in line with our instructions, ensuring compliance and delivery to the assignee. We also work with our managed services team to transact payrolls for expatriate populations.

Validating your pay and compensation delivery against your assignee and traveller policies.

We host sessions with clients to help determine strategy and process for managing the payroll compliance for their mobile employees. These interactive sessions are used to develop an action plan to drive change.