A rapidly changing environment underpinned by exponential advances in technology as well as demographic and economic shifts have impacted the way we view work satisfaction and career expectations. Boards and executives need to better engage with their employees to truly understand their motivations and expectations at work today. The primary contributing factor was obviously the COVID-19 pandemic. On the upside, we have seen organisations and workers rise to the occasion - unveiling human potential at its best. Organisations have been adopting remote or virtual work, seeking out new ways to collaborate, or leveraging the power of technology in new and different ways. However, we have also seen unintended consequences including deterioration of employee well-being and increasing rates of burnout.
So, what will the future of reward look like in practice? Traditional reward programmes are typically designed to achieve a simple goal of paying market value or drive specific performance (‘table stakes’) and are received by employees periodically through pay cheques and bonuses. With the continual blurring of lines between work and home life, the future reward experience needs to be embedded in all aspects of the daily life of the workforce and to emphasise the wants and needs of employees through use of both market
and motivator rewards. Organisations will continue to embed ‘table stakes’ at the heart of any reward strategy to provide the fundamental, baseline required to attract and retain talent by meeting employee expectations, market and social norms. In addition, organisations will increasingly use motivator rewards to provide an enhanced experience, act as a differentiator in the demand for talent, and to align employee, organisational and executive goals.
These reports provide an overview of executive remuneration practices, shareholder views, and the level of implementation of SRD II in the largest companies across Europe (iStoxx 100 index) and also the largest listed companies in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland.
Included are details of AGM season trends, pay outcomes, incorporation of ESG and considerations for decision-making going forward, which will provide an important baseline for executive remuneration decisions in coming years.
To request a copy of any of these reports, please click here.
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