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Long-term commercial partnerships and International Federations – an inevitable match?

Insight from Deloitte’s Sports Business Group

With the increasing trend towards sports properties securing long-term commercial partnerships, the Deloitte Sports Business Group considers what this means for International Federations (“IFs”) and some key factors to take into account before entering into such a partnership.

Multiple sports properties including IFs have entered long-term commercial partnerships. These partnerships include traditional sports marketing agencies as well as private equity and other external investors.

This article considers:

  • Why should an International Federation consider a long-term commercial partnership?
  • Who might the partner be and what commercial models are available?
  • Key considerations for International Federations before entering a long-term strategic partnership
  • What now for International Federations?

Deloitte Sports Business Group regularly advises International Federations considering entering a long-term commercial partnership and can assist IFs throughout this process, from identifying key strategic growth areas through to selection of a partner and contract negotiation.

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