A machine unexpectedly fails and is off-line waiting for maintenance repair. A factory line continuously reports 10 percent quality rejection over the last week of production. A technician calls in sick, causing a gap on the line for a critical skillset.
These are the kinds of traditional manufacturing challenges that a smart factory can address. By connecting to an organisation’s digital supply network and augmenting human intelligence with artificial intelligence, a smart factory can predict machine downtime by analysing performance trends. It can sense quality degradation and immediately enact correction efforts. And it can actively manage the workforce and track worker safety and performance data.
Transforming the factory requires collaboration between manufacturing, supply chain, and IT, new technologies, and becoming an insight driven organisation. Deloitte has an approach to navigate this change and a proven cloud- and IOT-enabled smart manufacturing solution built with AWS that can help you synchronise people, assets, and processes to execute the transformation efficiently.
Start the conversation
Is your company interested in starting its own smart factory journey? Contact our experienced team for more information on how and where to begin.
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