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Mental health and employers

The case for employers to invest in supporting working parents and a mentally health workplace

Key findings

  • 63% of respondents had experienced at least one characteristic of burnout — feeling of exhaustion, mental distance from their job, or decline in performance at work
  • People are leaving their job — 16% have said they were planning to leave a job in the next 12 months, and 11% had left their job in the previous 12 months. 59% said it was somewhat, largely or entirely due to personal mental health and wellbeing-related issues
  • 46% of parents are ‘very concerned’ or ‘somewhat concerned’ about their child’s mental health, and 29% named it as top worry
  • Half of working parents who are concerned about their children’s mental health say this impacts their work performance
  • 1 in 100 working parents who had left their job said it was entirely due to the mental health and wellbeing of a child

Our latest report in the ‘Mental health and employers: the case for investment’ series considers both the consequences and costs for employers of poor mental health among their staff. In this edition, we also take a deep dive into how the mental health of children and young people affects that of their working parents, and its implications for their work and performance.

Supporting employees’ mental health: not only the right thing to do, employees expect it

There is a growing expectation among employees for their employers to provide more support for their personal and their family’s mental health. Our survey found that 35% of respondents expect support for themselves and their children / immediate family (for example by providing an employee support line, childcare support, or flexible working arrangements) (Top chart).

However, only 26% of parents feel the support provided by their employer is adequate for themselves and their children. Twenty per cent 20% of parents feel that the support provided by their employer is inadequate for themselves and their children, while 15% feel more should be done to support their children (Bottom chart).

Our recommendations for employers

The case for investing in employees’ mental health and wellbeing is clear. Fostering a safe and healthy workplace that promotes and protects the physical and mental health of employees is crucial for an organisation’s overall success. Read our full report to learn more about our recommendations.

  • Leadership should set the tone at the top of their organisation and keep mental health concerns high on their agenda
  • Organisations should recognise and monitor the direct impact of work on their employees' mental health, identifying stressors and particular difficulties for high-risk groups
  • Employers should have a portfolio of support measures available for the needs of different employees

So, as you design the future of work, please use our report's recommendations to help inspire employers, leaders, and organisations to invest in employees' wellbeing and mental health.

Examples of free resources for working families

Best ways to support working parents – Mental Health At Work

Mental health support for parents and carers – Place2Be

Advice for Parents & Carers - Working Families

Parents' Toolkit - BBC Bitesize

Children's mental health - Every Mind Matters - NHS (

YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds

About the research

The findings in this report are based on a survey of 3,156 working adults across the UK, conducted in October 2023 by YouGov on behalf of Deloitte. The findings were analysed using two Deloitte models: the costs to employers of poor mental health and the returns on investing in support measures to improve mental wellbeing.

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