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SAM Blogs and Bulletins

Financial Management in Software Asset Management (SAM)

11/02/2021 | By Sindi Xheleshi & Tom Andradi-Brown

In this Software Asset Management (SAM) bulletin we will discuss how your organisation could save money by better managing its software costs. We will explore the benefits to the organisation of building financial management into your SAM function and the foundations of a SAM function needs in place to develop its financial management effectiveness.

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Application Rationalisation: Methodology to accelerate traditional software asset managment

17/12/2019 | By Georgina Majange & Peter Kunorubwe

Software Asset Management’s (SAM) capacity to support various parts of a business outside of licence compliance and its traditional function is being proven increasingly, with the continual emergence of new concepts and technologies. In our experience, the benefits are far reaching especially when SAM systems and functions are well integrated into an organisation’s Operational Model.

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The importance of securing and classifying your SAM data

30/09/2019 | By Alex Martin

Software Asset Management (SAM) leverages data from a number of sources, which may initially be stored in a series of databases or inventories. When this data is combined and processed using a SAM tool, this allows organisations to effectively monitor and report on their software licence compliance position and to identify areas of cost saving.

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Things to consider when choosing a Software Asset Management ("SAM") Tool

10/07/2019 | By Tom Lamplough & Shishir Asati

For organisations seeking to mature their Software Asset Management ("SAM") capabilities, a SAM tool is typically something that is considered to support licence management. We have found, however, that whilst a SAM tool can be a powerful instrument under any SAM manager's belt, effective SAM is borne out of a combination of good people, processes and tools working in combination.

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Enhance your SAM function: Designing an effective Software Request process

20/05/2019 | By Tom Lamplough & Tom Andradi-Brown

Welcome to the first post in a series of articles exploring the nature and importance of documenting processes for effective Software Asset Management (SAM) in an organisation. We will share our key tips for process design, based on our experience in a variety of industries.

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Conducting a contractual compliance inspection of your SAM third party suppliers

11/08/2018 | By Peter Kunorubwe & Alex Martin

In this second bulletin, we will explore the common contractual risks that are present in a typical SAM third party services agreement and touch on how to perform an inspection of a SAM supplier against their contractual obligations to deliver SAM.

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Managing the risks and realising the opportunities of using third party Software Asset Management (SAM) providers

06/07/2018 | By Peter Kunorubwe & Alex Martin

Welcome to the first in a series of bulletins from Deloitte, focussing on exploring the practice of Software Asset Management (SAM) from alternative angles. Our aim is to provide SAM professionals and stakeholders who have an involvement in managing software usage in the Enterprise with unique and thought - provoking insights, based on our work in performing SAM projects for clients for over 20 years.

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